Part 1 - Chapter 2

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"Um... yeah, sure," I answered.

"Hop in then!" the man said.

I hopped onto the bonnet of the car. His name, I saw, was Uchiha4Life1000. (Yup, even I don't know how to pronounce that!)

I suddenly saw DinDin and DooDoo burst through the doors of the pizza place.

"Go, go, go!" I shouted to Uchiha.

"On it!" he said.

"Ged 'em!" shouted DinDin.

We rode away at top speed.

"Head to my house!" I said.

Uchiha shook his head. "No, they'll know we'll be there. They'll place you under house arrest. Tell you what, we'll go to my house. And just in case they know where that is, we'll park around the back and hide there until we think it's safe to come out."

We rounded a corner in the road and drove down the street where Uchiha lived. As soon as we arrived, Uchiha drove to the back of the house and parked there.

"Now we just need to wait and see if they come," said Uchiha.

While we waited, I told Uchiha about the mess I'd gotten into, and as soon as I'd got to the bit about CTCRox, Uchiha said, "Ahhhh... yes, him."

"What do you mean 'him'?" I asked. "Do you know him?"

"Know him!? He's been the word around town!"


"Yes. You know, there's a reason the manager doesn't like him."

"What is it?"

"Well, he's trying to bring together a..."

Suddenly, we heard the unmistakable sound of a car right by the house. DinDin and DooDoo both clambered out.

I could hear DooDoo saying, "I can't see their car; they must not be here."

"I'll go and check around the back," said DinDin.

"Forget it," grumbled DooDoo. "Why would he be here anyway? Let's go search the other houses."

Uchiha and I let out a deep sigh of relief, as the car of DinDin and DooDoo zoomed away.

"Well, I guess we can go into my house now. I don't think it'll be safe to go into yours just yet in case they haven't searched it yet," said Uchiha.

We went inside the house, and I could tell by the look of it that his house was still on small mode.

"I'm close to upgrading it," he said. "I still need, like, 300 more coins."

"Hey, so do I," I said.

"Maybe we could go pizza delivering. I'm sure the manager's temper has diffused, and we could work something out with him. As long as there's a hideaway place and a nearby getaway car there's nothing to worry about, and I'm pretty sure DinDin and DooDoo are busy guarding your house at the moment anway."

So, I lost my house. The realization hit me like a frying pan. My home had a lot of great stuff in there, and now, I could only upgrade it without actually seeing it. It was all thanks so that stinking manager!

Uchiha and I walked out, but to our horror, somebody had just gotten in our car and was now starting the engine! Before I knew what was happening, the car had sped away. I turned to Uchiha, but he wasn't there! I figured that he had just jumped onto the bonnet, trying to annoy the driver. The car got smaller and smaller as it drove away into the distance and I called out, "Uchiha! Wait! Come back!"

The car stopped in its tracks, and I ran towards it. When I got closer, I saw who the thief was: it was CTCRox!

"What's going on?" I demanded. "Why aren't you at work? Why did you steal our car?"

CTC, again, burst into tears. "The manager put me on break, but he sent his bodyguards to surround my house as a threat. As soon as I went there, one of the bodyguards didn't let me in by blocking the doorway. I wanted to get back to work but I lost my way and when I saw your car, I realized it was the easiest way of transportation, so I... you know... Stole it!"

Now we had two abandoned houses!"

"Look," I said, "Why don't we just go have a nice time and deliver pizza?"

"Not just yet," said Uchiha. "I'm not gonna let this car-stealing incident pass by me so easily. What does CTC stand for anyway, huh? Crazy-Terror-Chaos?"

"No," said CTC. "It stands for Call-The-Cool. At least I don't have a name like yours: Uchiha4Life1000. It should be Ouchy-fall-life0.

"Why you little #####!"

'You filth-some ######!"

"You're a #### in a ##### learning how to be a #####!"

Now this was getting ugly.

I decided to just hop in the car drive off. They'll realize I'm gone and snap out of it. Uchiha, however, was way ahead of me. He jumped in the car and started the engine.

"One of you is going to have to walk, though," said Uchiha. "This car can only hold two people."

"I volunteered because I knew I would be driving a lot during pizza delivery.

CTC hopped on the bonnet, and they drove off. I sighed and ran after them, though I didn't check to see if we were being watched...

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