Part 1 - Chapter 4

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Uchiha and I were stunned.

"So, do you know where he is?" I asked.

"No," said FloRox, shaking her head, "but I know that he pops in for a pizza in the evenings. He should be here any minute. Why are you so interested about him?"

"The manager seems to have a grudge against him. I'm not sure why."

FloRox sighed. "Well, he's a manager who likes to hate, really, but the truth is, CTC is actually trying to bring together a mob to stop him. I've tried to tell him not to do it, but he doesn't listen. One time, DinDin and DooDoo caught him trying to convince you, Uchiha, to join his mob, and so they reported the incident to the manager, which is why CTC was put in seriously hard labour."

The room was silent.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was CTCRox.

"Sorry I'm late, Flo, I was trying to avoid bumping into two stone-heads named Uchiha and..."

He looked at Uchiha and I. Uchiha's head looked like it wanted to explode.

"Why do you want to raise a mob against the manager!?" I blurted.

"Because he's a bully. This town deserves someone better. You wouldn't understand."

"Why? Because we're a bunch of stone-heads, eh?" spat Uchiha.

"I didn't mean that!"

"Yes, you did! Yes, you did! You and your petty mob! That's what's responsible for the loss of my house!"

"Just stop it, Uchiha!" cried CTC suddenly.

Uchiha went silent.

"I'm not trying to be the bad guy," said CTC. "I'm trying to do good to this town just like you are, and if I could gather this mob- army, if you will- we could defeat DragonFist. We could get our homes back."

"What's your plan, exactly?" I asked.

CTC took a deep breath. "To wreak havoc in the pizza place. Business will go down, yes, but sometimes it's about the workers too, ya know! The manager can take away our homes, but he can't take away our freedom!"

"Well said," muttered Uchiha. "But how will this remove the manager from his position?"

"Blackmail," said CTC. "If the manager does not leave, we will have to send this pizza place into turmoil until he does. He will probably fire us, yes, but when we get a new manager, our jobs will return. What do you say?"

"I say it's rubbish," said Uchiha.

"I think it's quite clever," said FloRox. She turned to Uchiha. "Uchiha, you come from the shinobi tribes, do you not? Do you not remember fighting for what you love: Your home?"

Uchiha was silent.

"I say we all meet back here tomorrow night," said FloRox, "and then go fight against DragonFist's venomous power."

Uchiha said nothing.

"Come on, Uchiha," said CTC. "Please."

"Fine! Fine!" cried Uchiha. "But if I get fired you are all owing me a double cheese pizza and a soda."

"So, it's agreed then," said FloRox, turning to me. "Right, Nev?"

'Sure..." I said.

I didn't really agree with the plan, but I decided that it was the only hope for defeating DragonFist.


The next morning, we did what we always did: We delivered pizza, we boxed pizza, we took orders, we made pizzas, and we supplied. We were having such a great time that I almost forgot about the chaos we were to make.

And so, when nighttime arrived, CTC said to us, "Come on! Uchiha and I are going to FloRox's house."

"You guys go ahead," I said. "I'm just going to go supply these ingredients to the pizza place."

Uchiha and CTC drove off while I drove the truck to the pizza place. When I arrived, DinDin and

DooDoo were waiting for me.

"Hey, you!" cried DooDoo. "You need to..."

"Yes, I know," I groaned. "I have to come with you to the manager's office."

I followed them all the way to DragonFist's office. He was waiting for me when I arrived.

"Ahhhh," he chortled. "NeverForeverCool: My fellow friend."

"Friend!?" I snorted. "We're not friends and never will be! Never! Besides, its in my name: NeverForeverCool."

"I'm not here for war, Nev. I'm here for peace. Can we have a do-over? A fresh start, say?"

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"I want to be friends. I'll make you a deal. I make you the employee of the day and you forget about that silly mob."

"How do you know about that?"

"We know about your deal with CTC. We heard everything. Now, we all know that this is a bad idea. Don't do this."

"Or else what?"

"There are no drawbacks. You don't do this, and... I may give your friends their houses back.

"You swear it?"

"Yes, Nev, I do."

I sighed. Deep down, I knew it had to be done.

"Fine," I said.

"Very well. Now, where are your friends so that I may congratulate them?"

"At FloRox's house."

"Good. DinDin, DooDoo, place them under house arrest. Don't let anyone get in or out."

I gasped. "No! You lied!"

"Oh, and get rid of this player."

DinDin and DooDoo grabbed me and shoved me into their car. Then they drove deep into the neighbourhood and kicked me out into the cold.

"That's for being a loser!" laughed DinDin before they drove away into the night.

My walk home was long and tiering. I went up a street that I thought had FloRox's house on, but I was wrong. I went back up the last street and soon found that I was lost. I saw no car. No people. Just plain old houses. But what was that? Was that a car coming straight for me? I was saved! I whooped with joy and even did a little dance. Someone had found me!

The car parked right next to me and a man climbed out. My heart dropped. This was the last person I wanted to see.

"What the heck are you doing out here!?" said SeventhAragorn.

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