Part 1 - Chapter 5

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"You again!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Yes, me! Who else do you think would be standing here right now in the cold?" he paused, and then said. "Yes.. ok, that wasn't best approach to that remark. What are you even doing out here? Wait! Never mind! I don't care! Goodbye!"

Aragorn hopped into his car.

"Wait! Aragorn!" I said. "I have a small question for you: Do you hate the manager?"

"Pfft! What kind of question is that? Of course I don't hate the manager! He gave me a good position, even though my legs get tired... I'm not allowed to leave for anything... I don't really get paid... I get shouted at... he doesn't even respect my hard work..."

"So... is that a yes?"

Aragorn glared at me. "What's it to you?"

"I need help," I said.

'With what?"

Then I told him. I told him about Uchiha, I told him about CTCRox, I told him about FloRox, I told him about how they all got captured, and I told him of our plan to get rid of DragonFist.

Eventually, Aragorn said, "This all means very little to me. What would I get helping you?"

"I restaurant free of DragonFist... you may even get a good position. You'll be a hero."

Aragorn thought about this deeply, then he finally said. "Fine. Hop on. I think I've got a plan."

Seventh Aragorn drove me to FloRox's house. Standing in the doorway was a muscular man named KingKong15.

"Hey, buzz off," said Aragorn to KingKong. "It's my turn to keep watch."

KingKong leaped into his car and drove off.

We raced to the doorway of the house and rang the doorbell. FloRox opened up.

"Nev?" she asked. "Where have you been? We were all waiting 'till DinDin and DooDoo showed up and imprisoned us in here."

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Everyone's in here."

I walked inside to see Uchiha and CTC sitting on a couch.

"Nev!" exclaimed Uchiha. "Where were you!?"

I told them everything and they turned to face Aragorn when I got to the part about him.

"Uh... yeah, I'm here," said Aragorn a little nervously.

"Great!" cried FloRox. "The more people, the better!"

Uchiha slapped Aragorn on the back. "Welcome to the team, mate," he said.

"Now," said CTCRox. "Let's go make some chaos!"

"Wait..." I said. "So, you guys aren't mad at me for what I did?"

"Na, man, we're furious," said Uchiha, "But we're choosing not to show it, and besides, you were doing what you thought was right. I respect that. Now, let's go!"

Our first destination was the supplying place. We threw ingredients everywhere and pressed so many buttons that supplies reached the top of the building.

Next, was the pizza place. In the delivery room, we trashed about pizzas and sodas. In the boxing room, we flipped boxes over and threw pizzas about.

When we reached the kitchen, the manager, DragonFist33, was making some pizzas. When he saw us, he was shocked.

We immediately got to work. Our main target was DragonFist, so we sprayed him with the fire extinguisher and tossed pizzas at him, but just when we thought he was going to give up, the manager cried, "Activate!"

So, they knew this was going to happen, and they were ready.

DinDin and DooDoo raced into the room and grabbed Uchiha and Aragorn by the arms, twisting them behind their backs.

"Uchiha!" I cried.

Aragorn cried out with pain.

"Stop it!" cried FloRox. "You'll break their arms!"

"Then, so be it!" declared DragonFist.

I raced towards him but was held back by KingKong who appeared through a door. DingDing and DongDong were right behind him and they threw themselves on CTC and FloRox.

"Break their arms," snarled DragonFist. "Oh, and with Nev... kill him."

"No!" I cried. "You can't do this!"

"I'm the manager," said DragonFist. "I can do what I want."

I crumpled to the ground as KingKong knocked me in the chest. The pain. So immense. So real.

DragonFist stood over me and raised the fire extinguisher high above my head. Out of all my years, I never knew DragonFist would be so heartless.

"Don't worry, Nev," laughed DragonFist. "In Work at a Pizza Place, you respawn... somewhere else, with your entire memory erased. I guess I could say you're fired." He chuckled.

"No," I muttered, looking in front of me at a pizza on the floor covered with cockroaches and other slimy insects. "You're fired."

I grabbed the pizza and threw it at DragonFist's face.

"Argggggg!!!" he screamed. "They're all over me! They're in my mouth! They're in my mouth!"

I jumped out, flung open the oven and pushed the bewildered DragonFist inside, slamming the oven door closed.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" he cried.


That was the sound of the oven having finished its work.

The door popped open. Inside, was a mouldy pizza and a skeleton. DragonFist had been burned to bits.

Suddenly, there was great chaos as everyone rushed to the manager's seat to become the next manager. I got there first but stopped right in the doorway of the office. Something inside of me was telling me not to go. I felt like I deserved to be the manager, but at the same time, I felt like someone else needed a chance. Someone who was always excluded. Someone who became a bodyguard just to feel important. I stepped aside to let SeventhAragorn through. He looked shocked, but then nodded.

He strode forwards to the chair and then sat down. Immediately, a black business suit materialized on him. Everyone cheered.

"Nev," he said. "I'm gonna give you a raise. Uchiha, you're gonna be the next employee of the day. CTC... you can, uh... be my assistant?"

"Wait, what!?" exclaimed Uchiha.

All of us knew CTC and Uchiha were about to have another blow-out with each other, but to our surprise, Uchiha laughed.

"I just think he should be the new employee, if you get what I mean," he said.

Everyone chuckled and I patted Uchiha on the back.

"Well," said Aragorn, "What's everyone waiting for? Let's party!"

So, we did, all night long throughout the restaurant. I had a pretty good feeling that Aragorn was gonna be the best manager this pizza place would ever have.

That was, of course, before the war. The war that I started. Remember how DragonFist died? He respawned, yeah, because in Work at a Pizza Place, that's how it works, and he's angry. Really angry.

I really did hope we would never have to bump into him again. After all, it's in my name: NeverForeverCool.

To be continued in Part 2 of  NeverForeverCool...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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