Part 1 - Chapter 3

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When we arrived at the pizza place, we went inside the pizza delivery room. There were three things on the table: Two pizza boxes and one soda. I grabbed the soda and the other two grabbed the pizza boxes. As soon as I walked outside, a yellow arrow shone right in front of me to direct the way to the house I was to deliver the pizza to.

I climbed into an empty car and drove to the house. When I arrived, I rang the doorbell and a big NPC opened up.

"Wow! That was fast!" he exclaimed. "You should get a raise!"

"Yeah, I wish," I grumbled.

I hopped back into my car and drove back to the pizza place. Uchiha and CTCRox were already there, arguing over which pizza was the best, when suddenly two men walked up to them.

"You need to come with us," one of them, named DingDing, said.

"We need to report you to the manager," the other one, named DongDong, said.

I didn't know what to do, so I just followed them.

"Not you!" snorted DongDong. "Uchiha4Life1000."

I was stunned. What had he done wrong? Uchiha also looked confused.

I turned to CTC, but he had vanished. I turned around and saw him drive off in one of the cars. How could he have just left us like that?

A few minutes later, Uchiha came back looking glum.

"They surrounded my house," he moaned. "They did it because I helped CTCRox."

"Dang," I said, not really surprised.

"Let's just go box some pizzas," he huffed. "I need to clear my head... and I ain't ever helping that stinking CTC ever again! Where even is he anyway?"

"He abandoned us."

"### #####!!!"

"Hey, look. As you said, let's just go box pizzas and try think of a way of dealing with the situation."

So, we did, but we did even more that that. We delivered pizzas. We took peoples' orders. We even made some pizza-until there was no more dough and we had to supply some.

The supplying place is a little more of a distance from the actual pizza place. It's a large building with one or two trucks parked on the right side of it. Uchiha and I both climbed into those trucks. Uchiha insisted on driving, and I let him, because, as I've said before, I didn't want to argue with a person who looked like he's tackled a tiger.

Uchiha drove the truck around and into the building. We both climbed out and went up some stairs located on the right. On the top were some buttons that you could press to generate more ingredients. We really needed some dough, so I stepped on the white button which pumped out tons of it.

We were kind of running low on cheese as well, so I stepped on the yellow button which automatically produced giant clumps of cheese. Then, Uchiha and I collected all our generated ingredients and threw it into the back of the truck. We then both got back in it and drove to deliver it back at the pizza place.

We decided that just before we left, we would box a few more pizzas. While we were doing that, however, I accidentally bumped into the manager who was making his way into his office.

"Humph!" he exclaimed. "Is that how you treat the authorities, NeverForeverCool!? I've taken away your house; I can take away your job!"

He pushed passed me.

"That foul bag of dog droppings!" seethed Uchiha. "I wish there were a way we could get rid of him."

Then I remembered: there was a way. There was a room right next to the passage that led to the kitchen. In that room was a red button. I remembered that if you stepped on that button, you would vote to remove the manager. Eight votes and the manager was kicked out his office."

I explained my idea to Uchiha, that we had to convince people to kick out the manager, but that it started with us voting him out. We both headed to the button. When we got there, however, a tall man with a red beanie on was standing in front of the doorway to that room. I could see his username: SeventhAragorn.

"Hey, could you move!?" I snapped.

"Move!?" exclaimed Aragorn. "Move!? You want me to move!? Haven't you heard that the manager put a specialised bodyguard, which is me, at the front of the voting station to prevent anyone voting him out? It's the word around town!"

"No, it's not," said Uchiha.

"Yeah, it's really not," I said. "Sorry to burst your bubble, mate."

"What!?" said Aragorn, a little hurt.

"Anway," I said. "We're here on behalf of the workers at Builder Brother's Pizza, including someone named CTCRox. You might have heard of him?"


"Really? He's the word around town."

"Yeah, he is," said Uchiha.

"He is?" said Aragorn. "And no one... ever... told me?"

I decided to just drop the subject.

"Come on, Uchiha," I said. "He's not going to let us past. Let's go."

When we walked outside, we were pretty tired.

"Let's go home," said Uchiha. "It's getting dark."

"Don't you remember, Uchiha?" I said, miserably. "We don't have a home anymore."

We both got in one car and drove around looking for a place to stay. We had rung at least twenty doorbells until someone eventually opened up for us, but we didn't go in. Besides the fact that the guy didn't even have a head (like, physically), the whole house just gave me the creeps.

We moved onto the next house and thankfully, a woman opened up for us. Her name, I saw, was FloRox.

"Come on in," she said. "I have two bunkbeds that you guys can use."

"Thanks," I said. "You have no idea how grateful we are."

"Ahhhhhh, this is the actual definition of comfort," said Uchiha, stretching out across the top-bunk.

"Out of interest," I asked FloRox. "You wouldn't happen to know anyone named CTCRox would you?"

"Know him?" laughed FloRox. "I'm his sister!"

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