A Potential Suitor

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For the past week, Lucy's rest had been undisturbed by night terrors. However, the ball on the previous evening seemed to have profoundly confused her mind. Once again, she dreamed of scratching at her windows and a looming dark figure watching over her. This time, she was especially tormented by the sight of red, floating eyes that occasionally transformed into piercing blue ones. She was quite familiar with those eyes by now—they were Lucien's. But did he truly unsettle her enough to invade her dreams?

He was not Lucy's preferred company, yet she would not say he occupied her thoughts so persistently. Perhaps her subconscious mind sought to warn her—but then again, she barely knew him. The entire situation was rather strange.

The night terror caused a headache and a piercing throbbing within her breast. Though she did not feel as weak as during the previous episode, she still felt disoriented. She must have been sleepwalking, for her windows were wide open once more, and her writing things, where she had begun to draft letters to her family, appeared disarrayed.

In her dream, the scratching at the windows grew louder, more desperate, as if some malevolent force sought entry into her sanctuary. The dark figure outside loomed ever closer, its silhouette growing more defined, yet remaining shrouded in shadows. The red eyes bore into her, glowing with an unnatural intensity, flickering like embers in a dying fire. Then, disturbingly, they morphed into the piercing blue gaze she had come to recognize. Lucien's eyes, cold and unyielding, seemed to see through her very soul.

The sense of dread was overwhelming. The figure moved with a predatory grace, gliding silently across the floor towards her. Lucy felt paralyzed, her limbs heavy and unresponsive. The room around her seemed to warp, the walls closing in as the oppressive presence drew nearer. She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips. The eyes never wavered, locked onto her with a mix of curiosity and malevolence.

When she awoke, her heart pounded furiously, and her breath came in ragged gasps. Her forehead was damp with perspiration, and she could feel the remnants of the terror lingering in her mind. The windows were wide open, allowing the cool night air to wash over her, doing little to soothe her frazzled nerves. Her writing desk was in disarray, papers scattered haphazardly, the inkpot overturned.

The whole evening must have truly disoriented her if it led to sleepwalking. The sense of unease lingered as she tried to make sense of her nocturnal disturbance. She knew she needed to regain her composure, for the societal expectations and intrigues of London awaited her, and she could not afford to appear anything less than poised and collected.

Nonetheless, Lucy began her day with a sense of optimism.

She spent most of the afternoon in the drawing room, dedicating herself to writing letters to her family. She carefully described every single detail, hoping to bring joy to her younger sister. She recounted the exquisite beauty of her gown, its rich, deep red fabric adorned with glittering crystals and delicate gold embroidery, which caught the light of the chandeliers and made her feel like a princess. She described the astonishment she seemed to cause among the attendees at the ball, with their eyes following her every move, and the shy, yet admiring glances from the gentlemen.

Lucy shared the pleasure of making a new friend, Louise, detailing her fiery red hair and warm, kind eyes, her delicate yet elegant appearance, and their delightful walk through the gardens. She wrote about Louise's lively personality and how they had bonded over their love of nature and painting.

She did not forget to mention the refinement of Lord Gray, emphasizing his courteous behavior and genuine interest in her affinity for biology and science. Lucy hoped that he might be seriously interested in her, as she found his company quite agreeable. She painted a picture of his handsome features, his dark skin contrasting beautifully with his suit, and his charming smile that made her feel at ease.

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