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a bond from the past

The yacht arrived at the country club's marina by 12 noon.

Youngest ones; Misa and Aven, firstly came down the steps in a hurry. Leaving the rest of their cousins not too far behind their brisk movement.

Before coming down, Von changed into a clean pair of clothes with his black towel draped over his neck. His eyes travels to Eros walking next to him. The boy's black wrap around sunglasses that covered his eyes are now on top of his head. Now his face is fully visible, there's a dour-like aura Von sensed from his looks.

His hooded eyes expressed like he's in deep thought.

"It's the second week since you arrived from Switzerland and I realized we've only bonded today"Von uttered successfully gaining Eros's gaze.

"Are you still having post flight fatigue? Or you're not used to non 'Swiss' air?"He raised his left brow in a simper.

"We saw each other the second I walked out the arrival gate.."Eros replied to his earlier statement that made Von scoff.

"That time only.."He muttered.

The two continuously walked the path back to the country club, side by side.

Von rarely sees Eros due to the reason he's studying in a boarding school overseas. Apart from that, their semestral breaks never align as the academic year runs differently in each country. Nevertheless, the two remarkably remained a close bond with each other throughout the years.

Maybe it was their 8 months age gap that contributed to their closeness. Or maybe yet, their similar physical attributes are the reason why. Whatever it may be, the two are puzzle pieces that match each other perfectly.

"Look over there"

Von brushed his shoulder to Eros to get him to look at what he saw. The sleek sunglasses on top of a man's nose bridge got his eyes fixated. It was the kind of pair that elevates a person's look regardless how they dress.

"That's definitely something.."Eros limitedly said out of words.

"Right? That's sick.."

"I didn't know turning 18 made you interested with middle age country club members.."Von's brows drew together confused at Eros's mumble.

The boy looked at Von with a scrutinizing look, that immediately drew out a reaction from the latter.

"What the hell, I was talking about the shades idiot"

Von balled his left fist and hits it on Eros's shoulder In disgust. His expression was enough for Eros to laugh since he knew how reactive and expressive Von is to certain statements.

The black haired boy was about to follow the rest into the club's pantry until he felt a strong tug on the back of his collar. He turned his head to Von, who's dragging him towards an opposite direction.

"What? Where are we going?"He said puzzled with Von's sudden dragging.

"Haven't I told you I learned how to drive?"Von replies casually as he lets go of his collar.

"Knowing how to drive doesn't mean you have a license"He observes his cousin pull out his wallet as he speaks.

"That's why, I have one"

In between his pointer and middle finger; an issued license for driving is seen. Eros glanced at the picture printed on the card only to confirm he owns it.

"Don't worry, the mall isn't too far from here"Von pulls down the towel hanging over his neck and throws it for Eros to catch.

He turned his back around with a blissful grin on lips, and navigated their way to the carpark.

He turned his back around with a blissful grin on lips, and navigated their way to the carpark

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determination of a hopeful

The following day..

Sounds of creaky wheels running against the waxed tiles of the grocery is beginning to bother Lizzie. She glanced behind to Felix who's lousily pushing their cart unstably, repeatedly hitting her ankle several times. A part of her is thinking he's doing this on purpose to be annoying. But possibly it's out of his control this time.

"Mom"Lizzie called the woman beside her, "I was wondering if I can take the day off from the daycare tomorrow?"

The woman whose eyes are on the grocery shelves slightly raised her brows to her words.

"Of course, but is there a particular reason why?"She asked Lizzie; taking the pack of tissue rolls from the shelf.

"Not really.."

"Oh come on"Felix suddenly commented tauntingly.

"It's that suitor of yours again right?"He plastered the most irritating expression on his face to chaff.

"You have plans with Antoine?"Her mom queried ahead of her defending herself from Felix's assumption.

"Huh? No, I just wanted to take a day off that's all"Despite Felix's antics, she brushed it off calmly.

Lizzie's family owns a small daycare two streets away from their home. It's a business her mom runs mostly by herself, as her dad works as a civil engineer. From time to time she and Felix offer a hand in managing the place. They come by to clean up after daycare hours since there's no other employee employed apart from her mother.

Which is why errands regarding the business, such as supplies shopping, is an activity wherein they accompany her.

The girl's eyes scanned the shelves of the aisle they're in; looking for something that they might need. But in the midst of looking around, her eyes catches a glimpse of her father coming back with two black boxes on his hand.

"I think I know what it is"Felix has a hunch on what he brought back by the looks of the box he's holding.

"Again?"Lizzie said stunned.

"Maybe one of it might be the winning one"Her dad explained no further and placed them inside the grocery cart.

The other day, the first Demariont bottle he bought was no luck as the embossed code wasn't a winning bottle. It was one of the 49,993 wines among the 50,000 produced crystal bottles with a dead end numerical set.

Her mother doesn't seem to be too fazed with the idea of Demariont's jubilee promo, as she remembers how this affected the community in the past. She reluctantly chose to be laid back with her husband purchasing two more wine bottles, as she believes it's the least she could do to not shatter his little bits of hopes.

Sooner or later, the seven lucky winners will be determined and this short term source of hopes will disappear. It's a matter of timing that led her to be laid back with his purchase.

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