Anything for you (JAYWON) (I)

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-yandere behaviour
-self harm

jungwon pov:
Its been exactly 3 days since the infamous serial killer jay park has kidnapped me, i and i couldn't be any happier. I've been practically chewing off my bottom lip in anticipation, waiting for him to enter this cold dark room to see me.

everything was going as planned.

You see, im a police detective, yang jungwon, and i specialise on looking into the minds of famous criminals who are wanted by the FBI and or are infamous around the world.

i've always had a pretty normal life actually, i have friends, a good family and a well paying job, everything was going well for me until i stumbled upon jay park.

the serial killer who had killed hundreds, thousands maybe, ran illegal gambling games, illegal car races, money laundering and a lot more to name.

jay park was the love of my life.

something about the killers complex mind set sparked something in me, i wanted to meet him, talk to him in person, even being in a room that his presence had grazed sent me into a high.

i admired him actually, the way he viewed society as simply just a social pyramid, the rich were rich and the poor were poor, no one else really mattered, he hated unfair things, like unfair votes that famous politicians would play with.

I admired that he never...well never intentionally targets the innocent public, only targeting other criminals who do horrendous things.

or anyone who crosses his path in a challenging way.

'oh to be with him' is what i thought every second of everyday.

so thats when i put my plan in motion. Get myself kidnapped by jay.

It took a good three months of planning that i'd rather not get into....even a bit of blood on my hands...

but it worked!

now it's just a matter of waiting, i knew it was jay who had captured me because i know this room is where he keeps most of his victims...

...from what i've been researching over the past few months.

then suddenly the door clicked, my eyes zoomed into the door.

it happening! its happening!

there walked in jay, his tall lean figure loomed over my smaller body, his long legs in his black dressing pants, and his tan chest peeking through his halfway buttoned up white shirt that was messy with fresh blood that was also on his cheek.

my eyes darkened.

someone else's blood..on him.

"well, well, well..." he walked closer to me until he was kneeling down to the same height as me.

jay pov:
i quirked my head to the side as i studied the chained boys face, he was pretty, cat like features and soft black hair, he looked to pure and innocent to be a cop.


i can't wait to break him~

well...before i kill him at least.

"yang jungwon" i said slowly, my eyes paying attention to every movement he made, i wanted to see if he would pull anything, the door behind me was wide open, assuming that he's barely make it two steps out, i still wanted to see if i could play with him.

i hate a boring kill.

"jay..." he replied, eyes peering into mine, i was surprised that he wasn't fighting.

"my love~" his eyes widened in a crazy way, lips stretching widely like the cheshire cat, body buzzing as his chained hands moved to reach and cup my face.

i stared at him with a hard gaze, unsure of what was wrong with him.

...why is he touching me...

...why is he smiling...

...why did he call me his love?...

i was getting angry, does he think im dumb or something?

with that i swiftly took a blade out and had it an inch away from his eye, but he didnt even flinch, still looking at me with warm eyes, that crazed smile still stretched along his face.

i still dont believe it.

i blinked once with bored eyes, should i kill him...or should i wait...

i mean he is a cop, he could be useful.

or not.

with that in mind, i raised to my feet without another word, only managing to take three steps before feeling a weight wrap around my leg.

turning back, i looked down to see him with tear filled eyes, hugging onto my leg for dear life. he scared.

his is the part where he begs for his life yadah yadah yadah.

but then he said something that had me even more confused.

"please, stay with me~ dont go, o-or ill hurt myself!" he fumbled, hand grabbing the blade that i had stupidly left on the floor.

i just watched silently as i waited to see what he'd do with the knife, would he really hurt himself? is he that crazy?

within a split second i heard him scream in horror, the knife going straight threw his left eye sockets, my eyes slowly widening when his screams and cries became giggles
and laughs.

wow...he really is fucked.

"i-ill do anything for you, so stay!" he looked at me through his one good eye, not even paying attention to how much he was bleeding.


walking back over, i kneeled in front of the boy, he quickly threw himself into my chest.

i just stared straight ahead at the wall in front of me.


i wonder how far he'd go for me~


why is jay lowkey giving me sungwoo vibes?

and jungwon is giving me midari vibes.

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