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We enter the room to see Kang ha making out with Jae-i. I chuckled at this as the others looked in disbelief

Park Daveni's pov:

Ri-an shoved Kang ha before punching across the face. I shove him away. "Watch it" I hissed at him. Kang ha stands up behind me, smirking at Ri-an. Ri-an tries to lunge at Kang ha but is held back by Woojin and He-ra.

"Get your dog" I sneered. I walk over to Kang ha and grabs his arm. "See you guys at school tomorrow" I say as I shove past them pulling Kang ha along with me.

"Bye Jae-i" Kang ha says in a teasing voice. Me and Kang ha makes our way out the party. We grab our phones back before driving back home. We go into his house. I already has room set up in his house because of how many times I'm always over.

"C'mon let's clean up your face" I instruct as I drag him into the bathroom. I sit on the bathroom counter and pull out an alcohol wipe. I motion for him to move a bit closer. He does. I carefully wipe his bottom lip with the wipe. He hisses in pain.

"Sorry" I muttered. I rub some ointment on it. "Done" I say as I move to get off the counter. He stops me. I look at him confused. "Thank you" he says as he wraps an arm around my waist and puts his head on the crook of my shoulder.

"Of course anytime, you know I got your back" I say as I hugged him back. He stands up. "Let's go to sleep now. Goodnight Kang ha" I say as I got down and walked to my room. "Goodnight Devani" he responds as he walks to his room.

Me and Kang ha were now walking to school. "Look it's Tae-ho, let's go say hi" Kang ha suggest as he runs over to him. Tae-ho looks at Kang ha in disgust.

"Jesus christ. Get your hands off me, you charity case" he snaps as he yanks his arm away from Kang ha and walking away. I frown at this. I pat Kang ha's shoulder. Two guys approach us.

"No way, Tae-ho, the heir of Jaeyul Hotels would be friends with you guys" One of them snickers. "Look scholarship kid, going here doesn't make your our friend" The other boy says. Kang ha laughs at this as I glare at them. The boys scoff at this and start berating us.

Me and Kang ha walk away from them. "I don't know who they think they are" I scoffed. "Well they're rich and spoiled. What do you expect?" he jokes as we both start laughing as we enter the cafeteria.

We see Ri-an and his little group walking towards us. Everybody moves out the way for them. Ri-an and his group stops right in front of us. He just stares at Kang ha. I notice Kang ha clenching his fist.

"Are you guys going to kiss or just keep staring at each other?" I ask. Ri-an looks at me annoyed before walking away with his little group following with one of them patting Kang ha's shoulder.

Kang ha looks back at them before walking away with me following. I could tell that this wasn't the end and that more was going to happen. Me and Kang ha takes a seat in our classes. I put my head down to take a nap.

Suddenly I am awake by a yell. I look back to see students lined up. "From this moment on, any asshole that speaks to the new scholarship students, or even acknowledge them will get the same treatment" Yun-seok shouts. I roll my eyes at this statement.

Can't he be any fucking louder? "Chan-min" he starts as he kicks his ankle. "I shouldn't have to tell you how to handle this stuff" he sneers. "You're right. It won't happen again. I was actually in the middle of a plan. A plan to take care of him!" Chan-min states.

Me and Kang ha starts laughing at this. "I'm sorry. I've never seen someone make these plans in front of their targets" he jokes. "It's pathetic really" I snickered. Chan-min rushes over.

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