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"Meet Jae-i's boyfriend and new friend" she says dragging us more into the group. "The pride of Jooshin. The scholarship kids" She sneers. Oh my fuck. This girl has lost her damn mind.

Park Devani's pov:

"Hello sir, my name is Kang ha" Kang ha greets. I don't greet him because he seemed weird. He walks up to Kang ha and whispers in his ear. "What makes you think you have the right to address me" I hear him whisper.

I clenched my fists at this. Is this how spoiled rich people really view those without power. I scoffed at this. "What makes you think you have the right to treat those without power so lowly?" I snapped at him.

Jae-i's father looks at me in shock. Silence was heard. The others were staring at my as if I had threatened the president.

"The only reason you have power is because you're ignorance and the bull crap you feed the media and their followers. You would be nothing and I mean nothing without it" I said harshly.

"Thank you for having us. C'mon we're leaving" I say calmly as I grabbed Kang ha's wrist dragging him out towards the exit. Woojin grabs my wrist. "Wait-". "Let go of me. Don't act as if you aren't apart of them" I snapped as I yanked my arm away and continued out the exit with Kang ha.

"Who the hell do they think they are?" I scoffed as we entered the car. By this moment, I was fuming with anger. How could someone be so cruel. I feel a hand on my knee. I look up and see Kang ha looking at my with concern.

"Hey, you're losing your cool. It's ok calm down" he says smoothly. I felt myself taking deep breaths as I cooled down. "I'm sorry" I mumbled. "It's fine. Thank you for sticking up for me. I nodded with a smile. "Of course. We'll always have each others back" I smiled

Next day:
Kang ha left a few minutes ago after telling me that he'll be sneaking into school to search Rian's locker. I decided to meet up with Nam Ju-won. I needed him to do me a favor. I call Tae-ho and ask for Nam Ju-won's phone number.

I later call Nam Ju-won and ask him to meet up with me at a cafe. I get ready, changing into some baggy jeans and a hoodie. I bring along a bag before biking to the cafe. I parked my bike before entering the cafe and taking a seat at a booth.

A few minutes later, I see Ju-won walk in and take a seat across from me. "Hey Ju-won" I greeted with a smile. He started shifting in his seat uncomfortably. "Hi" he replies. I knew he was nervous. "You mind telling me why you were ease dropping on me, Kang ha, and Tae-ho's conversation the other day? I questioned.

His eyes widen in shock. Got you. He opens his mouth to explain but I cut him off. "See I don't really care why but I need a favor" I say getting straight to the point. He looks at me confused. "You are going to help me with whatever I need because I know that you know everything" I stated bluntly.

He started stuttering. "What?" He mutters. "See there's things that I don't know but I know that you know. So if I need information then you are going to get me it and if you refuse I'll tell the whole school that you have information on each of their secrets and personal things. And I'll tell Kang ha that you were listening in on us the other day. I don't think he'll be too happy about that, would he?" I smirked as I leaned back in my chair.

Ju-won knew he had no other choice but to agree or else his life and reputation would be at risk. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just need help" I say leaning forward. "What do you need?" he asks. I smiled at this.

"Well I need to know where is Woojin's secret hideout where he paints" I informed. He textes me the address. "Nice doing business with you" I say getting up and leaving the cafe. I biked to the address.

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