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When we made it out of there we stopped. "Why'd you do that?" Kang ha asks. She glances down at his wrist. I realized she was staring at the bracelet. She knew something. "Kang ha, Park Devani. Why did you really come to this school?" she asks. Damn she's clever. "So I guess you know who we are" Kang ha says.

Park Devani's pov:

"We came here for one reason. We've come to take your place" Kang ha states bluntly. "So you see, we're trying to be number one" Kang ha continues. "The ones at the top. With the most power" I butted in.

"We heard that if we're top student, then Jooshin will pay for us to study abroad, and when we're applying to foreign branches, we get priority consideration" Kang ha informs.

"We are going to be the first scholarship students to ever achieve those benefits" I start as I stared at her intently. "So watch out because we're coming for you" Kang ha finishes with a smirk.

He then turns and wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walked away. I raised my hand up waving goodbye to her before continuing walking. "So do you have a plan now?" I asked.

"Not yet but I have an idea on what I want to do. What about you?" He responds as he takes the piece of candy I handed him. " I do have a plan but I'm not telling you because it will ruin the surprise" I stated. He ruffles my hair.

"You and your unknown plans" he chuckles. We walked to the front of the school because it was time to go. As we made it to the front we see Ri-an, Woojin, and He-ra standing at the entrance. They noticed us and walked in front of us.

"You guys have a lot of nerve" Ri-an sneers. I look at Kang ha who looks at me. 'You hear this bitch?' I asked him with my eyes. He shrugs as I started laughing. "What's so funny?" He-ra snaps. "You guys are" I replied chuckling.

"I can't believe you guys are threatened by scholarship kids" Kang ha scoffed. "You guys need to learn your place" Woojin demanded. "Oh don't worry because we'll be taking yours very shortly" I winked before Kang ha pulls me forward on the bus.

We take a seat. Ri-an and them were looking at us through the window. I blow a kiss at them as the bus takes off. "You just love pissing them off huh?" Kang ha teases. "It's what I do" I shrugged.

The next day, me and Kang ha were eating bread as we're walking with his bike. Suddenly a black car pulls up. The window rolls down to reveal Jae-i. Kang ha looked shocked. "Oh hey Jae-i" I greeted.

"What? Don't just stand there, get in" she says. We both put Kang ha's bike in the back of the car before getting inside the car. We took off. "Thanks for the ride Jae-i" I thanked. I zone out before zoning back in to hear Kang ha say

"It's cute seeing my bike and your car together". I look at him as I cringed a bit. Oh lord let us arrive to school faster. "Ugh how tacky. What's with the bracelet?" she asks Kang ha. He lies saying it's a friendship bracelet.

I tuned out their conversation feeling tired. We pulled up to school. I silently thanked God. We all get out. Everybody stops and stares at us while whispering. "Isn't that Jae-i with the new scholarship students?" One whispers. "Ri-an is going to be mad" another whispers.

I stopped myself from scoffing at their whispers. They worship Ri-an as if he's some dude who saved their family from a fire or something. Kang ha holds her hand as I hook my arm around hers. She looks at us confused.

"Come on. You don't want to be late" Kang ha says. We lead her in. We walk through the cafeteria as others whispered and pointed at us. They even started taking pictures of us. Creeps.

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