just cuz: Johnny vs Darry

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Pony p.o.v

I blushed holding y/n's hand was we walked from school, till we got back home. Her hands was so soft- it felt like I was floating on air. I opened the door to the house, seeing soda, darry and the others. Oh shit. Darry looks mad.

"Pony why u so damn late?" (Darry)

"I got caught up with y/n at the library after school."

"Pony. School ended 3:40. It's 4:50." (Darry)

"Darry leave Pony alone" (soda)

"So ur not worried about him being gone for some long" (Darry)

"Darry hush, at least they getting they diploma. U dropped out." (Johnny)

"Ur not it school either." (Darry)

"Baby for yo information I got my diploma.. finished at 17. Where yo at? Probably in a nursing home" (Johnny)

"Damn." (Two-bit)

"We both had a project that took sometime to finish, plus we had had write a book report. We was at the library. Honest" (y/n)

I felt my cheeks turn red with blush, but it's not from y/n lying for me. It's more like embarrassment, I know darry always scold me; but he didn't have to embarrasse in front of her. But I took me from surprise when johnny through a book at him.

"U shut up. Quick be a old man u hater." (Johnny)

"Hater?" (Darry)

"Yea, u hatin cuz Pony got a girlfriend and u just old, dry, wrinkled, till ur bones sound like popcorn- everytime u move. And u can't get nobody." (Johnny)

Me and y/n tried not to bust out laughing; but soda and two-bit did. After that we did homework together; and watched a movie. I could heard soda teasing me. Y/n's hand held mine in my lap- my cheeks flushed again. Steve came home from work, and smirked at me and y/n.

"Ohh~ yall holding hands.. so yall gonna kiss?~" (steve)

"Hush steve."

"Very funny.." (y/n)

"They better not." (Darry)

"U such a party pooper" (dally & two-bit)

"Shut up u bag of dust" (Johnny, fussing at Darry)

"Johnny why can't u mind yo business?" (Darry)

"This is my BUSINESS, Ponyboy my best friend." (Johnny)

"But he's my brother." (Darry)

"I'm more of a brother to him then u is. All u do is scream, bitch, and scream at him." (Johnny)

We both snicker. Johnny was mostly a savage. As the day went on, darry found more ways to scold me; about something. And it was getting more, and more embarrassing. Y would he do this in front of someone I like, have a crush on to?

"Darry say one more thing and Imma bust yo head open to the white meat." (Johnny)

I wonder where Johnny got a brick from.

"Dally please get ur boyfriend." (Darry)

"What makes u think imma get on his bad side, when he just threatened yo life tensions? I won't none of that smoke. U ain't gonna get me killed. I choose life." (Dally)



I hope yall enjoy this lil story, now in all honesty. This was supposed to be a pony x fem story, but I messed up. So instead of deleting this- I just decided to make johnny and darry fussing. For fun.

In all honesty i almost made myself laugh. And the point of this story, it's a draft of pony x fem y/n story I messed up. And thus dosen't have to make sense but if ur having a bad day, I hope this can make u laugh.

But anyway I hope yall enjoy.

Love each and everyone of yall: ✌💗

All yall my babies 💋💋💋.

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