pony x fem y/n: 🤍💜away from everyone🤍💜

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Ponyboy p.o.v

Me and both y/n was giggling as was we held hands, and rub away together in the woods away from civilization. Yes it was in the middle of the night, but when didn't care.
We both ran to a tree house, and climb up the tree. But I went up first- making sure there was no snakes or bugs inside. After everything was cleared, I y/n climb the tree.

Her hands was so small and soft. When we got inside the tree house; I spread a blanket on the wooden floor. We both layed there looking out the open space- for a window.
Staring at the stars. Y/n layed her head on my chest, while I used my left arm to wrap my arm around her. And my right behind my head.

"U know pony, I didn't think we'd be able able pull this off." (Y/n)

"Why u think that?"

"Cuz darrys a light sleeper- and he'd probably wake up from all the noise we made." (Y/n)

"Trust me he won't wake up for a while."

"How come?" (Y/n)

"I gave him half a bottle of night quil."

She laughed, while moving closer to me. I kissed her forehead and chuckled; y/n pointed at a shouting star. Of course she made a wish. I found it adorable. Seeing how the moon light shine through the open frame window.

"What u wish for?"

"I can't tell. Birthday wishes they say~" (y/n)

"Aww Com'on~ just a hint?"

"Nope~" (y/n)

We both chuckled, and I held y/n close. While laying together in silence, and enjoying one another company. Her hand held mine, while we enjoyed the silence.

"..I wished we could be like this..forever~" (y/n)

"I always wanted some to watch the stars with me~"

"Really?" (Y/n)

"Yes. And now I have someone to do it with."

"I'm glad I met u too." (Y/n)

"I know my parents would love u. As much as I do."

Y/n p.o.v

I held ponys hand, while caressing his cheek. I know I would've liked his parents, but I just kissed his cheek. All in all- this was one of the best dates I ever had. Nothing fancy, nothing crazy..just looking up at the stars at night. But I them sit up, looking down at pony.

Gently grabbing his hand, I pulled him up to sit with me. As the night sky present the millions, and billions of stars; along with the beautiful full moon. Me and pony each took a wine glass, filling it with champagne.

"Happy birthday pony~"

"Happy anniversary y/n~" (Pony)

We both made a toast to each other, and finished the night with champagne- and a hold each other in a warm embrace.



I hope yall enjoy this story and this was requested

(Shout-out to u 💜🌟💜🌟💜🌟💜)

But anyway I hope yall enjoy, don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness

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But anyway I hope yall enjoy, don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness. Yall come back now.

And if yall got any requests go ahead and drop them in the comments.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💗

All yall my babies 💋💋💋.

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