steve x y/n:🤍let me hold u🤍

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Steve p.o.v

As the day came to a end, I was laying in watching tv; while y/n work in their office for a project. They asked not to be bothered, so I stayed away from them.
As I watched tv- I heard some stressful groans, and sniffling. My mind growing with curiosity, I put my beer down and walk in their office. Gently pushing the door open- seeing their hair a mess and them sweating.

"Y/n..u okay?"

They looked at my red eyes, like thay been crying. I wanted get closer, but they told me not too. Oh shit. Y/n is stressed out, and tired.

"What wrong?"

"It's this project.. I can't describe it but everytime I try to make it work, it dosen't. And this is due tomorrow." (Y/n)

Seeing y/n's hands trembling, and gripping their hair till their knuckles was visible; that just broke my heart. I slowly and gently help them up, and hugged them. They instantly hugged me- while burying their facd in my chest. Gently rubbing their head, and kissed it. After a while they calm down.

I held them in my lap, when I sat in their chair. My hands rubbed gentle circles on their back, while y/n put their face in the crook of my neck: there so soft.

"Did you eat anything?"

"No." (Y/n)

"U need to eat something."

"I'm not hungry." (Y/n)

"Do u think I care? Ur gonna eat."

I held them in my arms while we walked out the office, and into the kitchen. The apartment was kinda big, but not to big. Sitting them down at the kitchen table, I opened the fridge and grabbed something to cook. It's late at night, so I just made something for them to eat. After I made the  eat, we lay in bed and hold then close.

They instantly fell asleep and I kissed the top of their forehead. Rubbing gentle circles on their back; y/n's cute snores was adorable. I just hold them- I know they work a lot, and be exhausted. Sometimes they pull all nighters for their job. Deep down Im proud of them, and support them.. but sometimes they need a break. When she was asleep, I went in their lil office and looked at their project.

I didn't know about their job, but I can read. I sit down I their chair and read their project board; this presentation was great. But they didn't finish the other half, so hoping for the best- I did the other half. Now I see y their always tired; this is a lot of work. After 25 minutes I was finished. The bar graphs, database, and etc was finished. Leaning back in the chair; sighing with relief.

I got up and went back in the room, seeing y/n out could. I smiled and got in bed. Wrapping my arms around them, and falling asleep hoping they get promoted and get the rest they need.



I hope yall enjoy this story, and this was made for fun. But anyway I hope yall enjoy, don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness. Yall come back now.

And if yall got any requests go ahead and drop them in the comments.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💗

All yall my babies 💋💋💋.

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