pony x fem y/n: 💝💝period comfort💝💝

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Ponyboy p.o.v

I was downstairs in the kitchen, making y/n a snack and some other food they want while they lay in bed. Y/n started her period this month; she been cranky, mood, and in pain. Luckily darry was out with the others, so I don't have to hear him complain about skipping school.

(Yall chose yall features snacks etc)

I put their fav snacks of on the food tray, whole going upstairs. Y/n left her door cracked, so I just gently bumped it open; with my arm. Walking in quietly- I see y/n wrapped up in the blanket. I set the food tray on the nightstand, then gently shake her. She opened her eyes to look at me; she gave a weak smile and tried to sit up.

I gently took her hands, and pulled her up. Not too fast, and not too slow. Just enough so she wouldn't groan in pain. I sat beside her, pulling her close to me. Y/n put her head on my shoulder, and sighed.

"U okay?"

"Im- alright" (y/n)

"U want ur heating pad?"

"Please" (y/n)

I grabbed her heating pad, but made sure to turn on the machine to make it heat up. Once it was turned on, I wrapped it around her. She sdjust the setting for her comfort- I found it cute. But it hurts me to see her in pain. Y/n was more braver then I was. Men wouldn't understand.

I let her lay on my chest, on my arms. She ate her snacks- and we just talked about anything. It dosen't have to make sense. Rubbing gentle circles on her back, and looked in my eyes; and I looked down at her.

"Hi" (y/n)


"...pony?" (Y/n)


"Can u let me up, I have to go to the bathroom." (Y/n)

I let her up, and she went to the bathroom. While she did her business- I went downstairs with the empty food tray. As I put the empty containers; and dishes in the sink. Y/n called me upstairs. I walked upstairs, to her room but y/n; was sitting on the bed again.

"What's wrong?"

"Im...sorry" (y/n)

I was confused, but she looked away from me. Cheeks red from embarrassment- I looked behind her and see a red spot. Till it clicked. I looked at y/n again, and she had tears in her eyes.

"Hey it's okay."

"I'm sorry.." (y/n)

"It okay. It's normal. Do u have anymore feminine products left?"

"..no.. I used my last one." (Y/n)

I gently grabbed her hand, leading her in my room. I told her she can use my room, while I clean hers. I throw the sheets in the washer, and fixed the bed. When i check on her again, she's asleep. So I went out to get somethings for y/n; I didn't know if she use tampons or pads, so I got both.

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