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Sometimes when Kareems had a long day, he found himself at the local coffee shop a few blocks from his house.

Sometimes when he sits in his usual seat and orders his usual stuff, his eyes would naturally look up when the small bell rang above the door.

And one day, while he was sitting in his usual seat drinking his usual, his eyes naturally traveled up and landed on a beautiful woman.

In his eyes, she was the most amazing woman he's ever seen before.

From her shoulder length brown hair that perfectly fit her beautiful face. Her dark brown eyes, her plump lips and when she smiled.

He felt like his heart stopped beating.

Her almond brown skin shined when the light hit it and it only made her stand out even more then she already did.

The first time he laid eyes on her, he couldn't wait till he got the chance to get to know her. Get to know her heart and see if she's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

That was 4 months ago and still Kareem hasn't gotten the courage to speak to his mystery woman.

Growing up, he was always good with his words when it came to the ladies. So he couldn't understand why, when it came to the beautiful goddess in front of him, he couldn't think of a word to say.

After he thought about a way to get her attention, one thing continued to pop into his mind.


So since that day, he would simply write a letter explaining how beautiful she was. He'd pass it to the waiter or waitress, instruct them to pass it to his mystery girl, then leave before she got it.

And till this day, she still has no idea who writes them.

Kareem raised his hand, getting the waitresses attention and she smiled. "Yes sir?"

"Can you pass this to that woman over there? And if she asks who sent it, don't say anything"

The waitress grabbed the letter and did as told. When she passes it to the mystery woman, a smile immediately landed on her lips.

She didn't even bother asking who'd it come from because the many waiters and waitresses before wouldn't tell her.

"Thank you" she smiled. She took a sip of her warm tea and slowly opened the letter. Before she read it, her eyes danced across the page.

The beautiful cursive writing was the first thing to catch her attention. The second was the signature at the bottom.


She wondered who K.L could be. She's been getting letters from the mystery man for almost 3 months and she still had no idea who was sending them.

She'd try and look around the coffee shop to see any familiar faces but could never find one.

She sighed and started to read the letter :

I admire from afar

Your charm and your grace

Only from afar, I will admire

For we have not shared but two words

I do not know you and you do not know I

Though I feel like I know you in some indescribable way

A way in which is unspoken

A way in only admirers may know

It will go no further than admiring

But, sometimes I like to dream

Dream that one day, we should meet

Dream that one day, I may admire

Not from afar but up close

Not only admire the beauty I see

But the faults I know you have

I want to admire all of you

But that is only a dream

So, for now I will admire from afar

I will see what I see

And dream what I dream


A smile fell on her lips and she let out a sigh. After awhilr of getting the sweet love letters, that became the main reason she continued coming to the coffee shop.

With everything hectic going on in her life, they seemed to be the only things that keep her sane.

Her phone rang, pulling her from her thoughts. Mom flashed across the screen and she rolled her eyes before answering it.

"Yes ma" she grabbed her cup of tea and paid for her bill before walking out the coffee shop and going towards her car.

"Hey Sage baby, I need a favor from you"
"I don't have any money right now" she mumbled, pulling out the parking lot and driving down the road.

"You sure? Kennedy just got locked up. I need bail. Its $5,000"

"If the money's for him, I definitely don't have any money. Why would I pay to get that man out of jail, after the way he's treated u, me and Jamie over the years? And the fact that you want to get him out after what he did the last time. Its blowing me right now"

"He's been good to us Sage, don't speak about him like that"

"You know what, I gotta go"

Sage hung up the phone and turned up the radio to try and get rid of the thoughts that ran through her head.

She's always had a good and easy life when she was young. But all that changed when Kennedy walked into her families life.

He somehow managed to turn the family against each one another. Mom against kids. He was able to get their mom on drugs and was able to get her put in jail for his actions.

Jamie, Sage's older brother, moved out when he was 17 and being the big brother he is, took his sister with him. He's always been protective of him so when he found out about what Kennedy thought was a good time with his little sister, he ended up in jail for battery with a deadly weapon.

His fists and steel bat.

Kennedy ended up in the hospital with a concussion, broken arm and his face was bruised enough for the doctors to wrap it up with gauze for 3 weeks.

Rosetta, their mother, felt the need to be by his side the entire time and when her son called from jail, she blocked the number.

The past few months have been enough to drive anyone insane. But the letters from her mystery man have kept her calm and waiting until she reached the end of the dark tunnel.

Kareem didn't know it, but he was the difference between life and death for Sage.


Thoughts on Kareem?




What about Kennedy?

This story will be full of twists and turns. And unexpectedc truths...

Dun dun dunnnnn


-Mz. Thugga

#HoldMyNuts #MyThuggas

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