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Sage pulled her hair into a tight pony tail and grabbed her phone before walking outside to her car.

"Bout time" Jamie mumbled as she pulled out the parking lot "Took your ass forever. You was puttin on your face?"

She slapped his chest "Shut up and you know I don't wear makeup. This all natural beauty"

"Bitch where? "

Sage laughed "You get on my nerves boy" she glanced at him and he eyes scanned his body "Why you so dressed up? It's just the coffee shop"

"Never know who I'll see" he shrugged "Might meet my wife"

"Boy, don't nobody want you. Your ole dusty ass"

"Dusty? Oh no you didn't. I'm bout to fire ya ass up. Your ole long tittie ass. Your ole fat neck, one for breakfast, lunch and dinner ass. Your o-"

"Ok, I'm sorry" Sage laughed, slightly swerving the car "I can't breath"

"Naw, get out. You ain't bout to kill my sexy ass." He gripped his seatbelt "Forreal Sage, quit"

She straightened the car out "Don't get mad at me. Its your fault. That was funny"

"Not really" he mumbled as they pulled into the parking lot of the coffee shop. They both got out the car and sat down in the usual spot Sage sits in. "Ain't no black or Hispanic girls in this bitch?"

"Jamie, shut up" Sage groaned "There are, just not at this moment"

"Blah blah. I put on a good outfit for this?"

"You mean your one good outfit? "

"Shut up" Jamie sat back against the leather seat as his eyes roamed the shop. A few woman caught his eye but someone stood out to him.

It was a man who had his eyes glued to his sister. Jamie continued to watch the man as he watched Sage.

"You know that nigga? " he asked, nodding in the direction of the guy. Sage followed his nod.

The man looked away "No, but he's cute" she shrugged looking away.

"What you said? Only thing that should be cute to you is puppies and rainbows"

"Jamie please. I'm grown"

"What?" He said a little louder as he sat up "You what?"

"Grown. Need me to spell it for you?" She laughed.

"Iight Ms. Grown. Get your grown ass beat"

"You always saying you gonna beat me but yet, you haven't. " she started to sniff the air "Is that a pussy I smell?"

"Yea, yours" he mumbled as his eyes went back towards the guy who was now on his phone. But continued to look up occasionally.

Sage threw the small menu at him "Fuck you"

He ignored his sister and stood up, making his way over to the man. Sage followed his movements and groaned loudly.

"Aye bruh, you good? " Jamie asked. His comment was ignored "Hello? I'm starin at my sister like you wanna say somethin"

"Your sister?"

"Yea, my sister nigga"

"Listen, I ain't mean nothin by it ok? Chill" Sage stood up and stood in front of her brother, stopping him from doing anything.

"Go outside Jamie, now" she demanded. He groaned and stood there for awhile before turning and walking to the car.

Sage turned and looked at the man "I'm sorry about him. He's kinda uh-" she paused.

"Crazy? "

She laughed "Very overprotective is more of the word"

He nodded and smiled at her "Um, I'm Kareem by the way" he put his hand out and she shook it.

"Sage" she smiled back.

"Would it ok If I- um, can I.." he paused and sighed "I'm nervous as fuck" he chuckled.

"Nervous? There's no reason to be nervous" Sage assured. She thought it was kinda cute how he was nervous because of her. It made her blush a little.

"Iight, would it be ok if I get your number? I think your a beautiful woman and would like to take you out some time"

"What do you have in mind?"

"There's a fair comin to town tomorrow. Maybe that, or the movies. Its really up to you"

"I personally think the movies are played out so the fair it is" she handed him her phone and he saved his number under Kareem "You'll respond when I text you right?"

"No doubt"

A loud bang came from outside and it caught the attention of both Sage and Kareem. It was Jamie who banged on the coffee shop window.

He mugged them both "Come on" he yelled.

"Ok, well I'll text you later today" she said before walking off and getting in her car.

Kareem smiled a little to himself and walked out to his dodge truck. He called his mom as he drove to work.

"Yes baby"

"I talked to her today. We goin to the fair tomorrow night"

"Oh congrats, its about time. I thought Jesus would've came back before you talked to that girl" she laughed "So when do I meet her?"

"Not soon momma, I just met her. And its Sage"

"Her name?"


"Hm, that's unique and very pretty. Should've named you Sage"

"Yea yea" he laughed "But hows your lil boyfriend? "

"He's good, we're having dinner again tonight. Baby, I think he's the one for me"

"Eh, we'll see about all that when I meet him"

"How about whenever you feel comfortable enough for me to meet Sage, you can meet my man. It'll be dinner at my place"

"That sounds good. I'll call you later, I got work"

"Ok babe, love you" she made a kissing noise before hanging up the phone. When he pullef up to the construction site, he changed into his jeans and wife beater and timbs.

"Aye nigga, I been lookin for you. " Tyreke said as he approached him "There's a grand openin tonight at this new club. You goin?"

"Yea, I'll come" Kareem shugged "What's the name?"

"Its a strip club, Heaven"

"A strip club called Heaven? I pass nigga" he laughed "That got hell written all over it. I ain't steppin a foot in that place"

"Shit, imma be there every weekend"

"I figured but guess who I talked to"

Just the thought of him finally talking to Sage put a smile on his face.

"Your mystery girl? "

"Hell yea"

"Damn, bout time."


Sage grown huh..

Jamie and his combacks lol

Finally got that date Kareem nervous ass been wanting...

#HoldMyNuts #MyThuggas

-Mz. Thugga

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