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Kareem held Sage from behind and kissed her neck as she giggled like a love sick school girl. They were in the kitchen of his home, waiting for Joyce and Martin to arrive.

Today is the big day, Sage turning 25. And even though she's had 24 previous birthdays, she felt like this one would be one to remember.

With still no call from Jamie, she tried hard not to let that ruin her day. She knew Jamie sometimes leave to get away but it was never for so long.

Her big day started off when Kareem made her breakfast. They then took a long, long shower together. Which also included him feasting on her then mind blowing sex soon after.

"You ready for your birthday gifts?" He mumbled before kissing her neck. Sage nodded and he lifted her up and set her on the counter before walking off and grabbing a large bag.

He first passed her a medium-sized box. She smiled at him before opening it.

"Oh Keemy, this is beautiful" she cooed, looking down at her birthstone.


He put it on her before kissing her "You look beautiful wearing it"

"Thank you baby" she blushed as he reached in the bag again. This time he pulled out a shoe box "Shoes? Babe, I-"

"Shh, open It"

She slowly opened the box and grabbed the baby kitten that was inside. She smiled wide and kissed the kitten as she cradled it like it was a baby.

"You're soo cute" she cooed "You look like a Honey"

"That's what you namin her? "Sage nodded "Iight cool. But I have one more gift for you. You'll see it a lil later"

She wasn't even paying attention to anything Kareem said. She was too focused on Honey.

"How'd you know I wanted a kitten?"

"Because, of the last gift. Quit askin questions before I let somethin slip" he laughed as the front door opened. Joyce and Martin walked into the kitchen.

"Happy birthday sweets" Joyce smiled wide before hugging her "Here's your gift"

Martin then walked up and hugged Sage as well "Happy birthday" he also passed her a gift "So what's the plan for today? "

"We goin out in about 30 minutes to her last gift"

"Well, what is it?" Joyce asked. Everyone looked at her and laughed "What? I don't like surprises"

"Well this ain't for you momma. This for my baby" Kareem mumbled, grabbing Honey "Ain't that right honey? "

The kitten let out a squeaky meow and Sage smiled "I love this cat already"

After talking for a few more minutes, Sage and Kareem got dressed. Before getting in the car, Kareem wrapped a blindfold around her eyes.

"Your not gonna kill me, are you?" She asked, seriously with a nervous chuckle.

"No babe, I'm not" he kissed her cheek before helping her into the car. He got in on the driver side "What you think I got planned? "

She shrugged "Hopefully not murder" she mumbled "This blindfold thing is creepy baby"

"Relax, it just cause I don't want you to see where we goin or what we doin till we inside"

"Inside huh? A restaurant? "

"Don't worry about all that" he looked over at her and grabbed her hand before kissing it "That dress lookin right though"

"Thanks baby" she laughed "I kinda figured you'd like it. You should see my ass"

"Iight, you must not know I'll pull this car over and fuck you"

"Can you?" She looked in his direction even though she couldn't see him and laughed "I can't even give you the sexy eyes with this thing on"

Kareem laughed "Good, cause we can't be late. Under any other circumstances, I'd give you what you want. But not now"

"So this must be something big huh?"

"So big, you might suck my dick later" Sage swung her arm, hitting him in the chest, making him cough "I was playin baby" he laughed.

"Yea ok"

The ride was another 20 minutes before it came to a stop. Kareem got out the car and helped Sage out, telling her when to step up and down.

When they stood inside the building, Kareem removed the blindfold and Sage gasped.

"Grandma Mae, what are you doing here?" She rushed over and pulled her grandma into a tight hug, hearing her laugh a little in her ear.

"This fine man invited us" sje said, referring to Kareem.

"Wait, us?"

"Yes baby" she grabbed Sages hand and pushed open the double doors to show a large room. It had a 12 person table, with only 9 people sitting. Sage looked at her grandma with a confused face "You probably don't remember anyone here, but we all remember you. "

She started naming every one at the table and they all stood up and hugged her tightly.

"Come on baby girl, have a seat" her cousin Rick said, pulling the chair out for her. She smiled and gladly took a seat beside her grandma and aunt Nikki.

"So we all are wondering the same thing. Where's your mother and brother? " Grandma Mae asked.

"Well my mom was killed and Jamie is missing" she shrugged like it was nothing. She gotten used to the fact that she no longer had a mother because she always felt like she didn't.

As for Jamie, she couldn't speak on that.

"Sorry to hear love"

The lunch continued and for the first time in a long time, Sage felt like she belonged. Aside from how she felt with Kareem, she now felt like she actually had a family behind her.

Everything she heard over the years about the same people at the table,she knew they couldn't be true because of their actions.

They loved her and missed her.

It was then Sage thought about Kareem, who wasn't at the table. She excused herself and exited the building to see him leaning againstthe front of his black dodge truck.

He smiled when he saw her and put his phone in his pocket.

"I was looking for you" she said, approaching him. He grabbed her hands and entwined their fingers, kissing them. "Why aren't you inside with us?"

"Cause I did this for you. I know how you felt about knowin your family"

"How'd you find them? I mean, h-"

"You got a smart ass man" he chuckled pulling her closer and letting his hands settle on her waist "How its goin though? You like it?"

"I love it" she kissed him "Thank you for this baby. But I'd love it even more if you come inside with me"

"Just cause its your birthday" he kissed her "Lead the way beautiful"

Sage turned and started walking before stopping "It looks good huh?"

Kareems eyes traveled down and landed on her ass. He palmed it in his hand and gently bit her neck "I might have to handle that when we get to my place"

"Yea, you might"


Thoughts on chapter? ....

Book will be ending soon..

But there will be a sequel. .. should I add the second book to this one? Like a 2-in- 1?

#HoldMyNuts #MyThuggas

-Mz. Thugga

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