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Walking through the front door, Sage smiled and headed straight for her bed. Kareem walked in behind her and shut the door.

He followed her upstairs as she was pulling on one of his shirts. Because it was their last night on the boat, they didn't fall asleep, wanting to enjoy the last few hours.

"I ain't know I left my shirt here" he said, kicking off his shoes and pullingoff his shirt.

"Yea, that night we had pizza" Sage climbed into her bed and Kareem removed his pants, climbing in after her.

They both laid down and let out a sigh. "I'm tired, but can't sleep"

"Same here" she mumbled, rolling over and throwing her leg across his waist. "What you thinkin about? "She kissed his chest.

"I needa call momma and let her know we back. But shit, I know she gon want us to come over right now."

"Yeaa, that won't work."

"I figured" he laughed. "I'm not tryna bring up the past and shit, but how's your momma? And Jamie? "

She shrugged "I don't know. I thought about them on the cruise but the price they charge for international fees. Man, I couldn't do it"

"You dumb Sage, I wonder what go through your mind sometimes" Kareem laughed "But I needa talk to Stan bout these hours he got me workin"

"Yea you do or I will. Cause with those hours, I won't get to see you" she looked at him and pouted "And I like spending time with you"

"Well I love spendin time with you shawty" he kissed her "Quick question, you my girl right? Cause with all this we doin, I feel like if you not, then I should be working harder"

"Harder towards what? You've been there for me when I needed you, you took me on that cruise, yiu show me the affection and give me the time I need" she trailed off " You respect me and we have fun whenever we're together. "

"So is that a yes or a no?" He chuckled.

"That's a most definitely" she smiled at him with low eyes before laying her head on his chest again "Go to sleep Keemy, we have some things to do when we wake up"

He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, feeling Sage squeeze him a little tighter. He smiled a little, thinking back on how things first started.

True, they did move quicker than any other relationship he's been in before but to him, it wasn't because they were rushing it.

Because they did try to slow things down.

So to Kareem, that ment the pace for them was good and the things they did were ment to happen.

A few hours later, around 4:30pm, Sage sat up and yawned. She stretched out in her bed and looked around for Kareem.

After her hygiene, she pulled on some pj pants and walked downstairs to see Joyce and Martin on one couch and Kareem on the other.

Every one looked at her with sad eyes.

"Hey Ms.Joyce, mr.Martin" she greeted, going into the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of water and walked back into the living room "Why y'all looking at me like that?"

"Baby, there's something we need to tell you" Joyce started "Have a seat"

Hesitantly, Sage walked over and sat beside Kareem. He grabbed her hand and kissed it "Your momma" he trailed off.

"What about her?" She asked, drinking her water.

"She's dead" he blurted out, not seeing a easier way to say it. Sage choked on her water violently.

"She's what? What happen? How do you know?"

"Me and Martin, we were watching the news on night and a story came on. They said a smell was coming from her house and when the police walked in, she was dead. She was there for a few days. About a week" Joyce explained.

Sage calmed her breathing and fanned her eyes "We gotta go to the morgue before they cremate her"

"Sweetie, its too late" Martin said sincerely, and Sage felt her stomach twist in knots "Her body wasn't claimed for too long. We tried to claim her but we aren't related. We're sorry Sage"

He placed the urn on the coffee table and every one looked at Sage.

She shook her head and stood up, pacing the floor "No, no, no" she mumbled to herself before jogging up her stairs. She walked in her room and grabbed her phone, calling Jamie.

But it went to voicemail.

"Jamie, please call me back. Something happened to momma and they cremated her body" she cried "Please call me back, I need you right now"

She hung up as the door was slowly pushed open. Kareem closed the door behind him "Babe, I came up here to check on you."

"Can I just be alone for awhile? Please. I just need to think" she said softly, hunched over looking at the ground.

"Iight, I'm goin over Tyreke place for about an hour. I'll be back. Call me if anythin happen" he kissed her cheek before leaving her alone like she wanted.

While driving over to Tyreke place, Kareem calles Jamie phone and sighed when it went to voicemail.

"Aye man, this Kareem. We found out your momma passed and Sage really upset about it. You should call and see how she doin"

He hung up as he stepped out he car. He knocked on Tyreke front door. No answer.

He called his phone, no answer.

He tried knocking again but got no answer. He cursed under his breath and took his now free time to go over to Stans office.

"Hey Kareem, what can I do for you?"

"I came to talk about them hours you gave me a few days back"

Stan opened his small log and ran his finger down the page before smirking and looking up "That was a mistake. I should've given u about 2 weeks off instead"

"2 weeks? You sure? The regular hours w-"

"I'm sure Kareem. See you later" Stan dismissed him and Kareem gladly got out the chair and walked back to his truck. A smile was plastered on his face as he drove to pick up something to eat, knowing Sage would be hungry when he got back.

Then the smile fell as he thought about what she was going through "Damn" he mumbled.


So Rosetta was killed. .. hmmm thoughts about what will happen next?

Jamie not answering?

Tyreke missing?

When will the truth cone out? Think y'all know what's going on?

Stan giving Kareem 2 weeks off?

#HoldMyNuts #MyThuggas

- Mz. Thugga

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