I know You Like Him

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Today morning I woke up with swollen eyes from bitterly crying the previous day. My brain reminded the sentence Ron told me yesterday, "I know you like him!"

At first I wondered who, then I questioned how did he find out about it.

Well, I did like a guy before him for certain months but only few people knew about it. I wondered how did it reach his ears. However it reached, I honestly don't care but the guy I crushed on and him were pretty close. What if I become the reason for the breakage of their friendship?

The guy I crushed on for certain months: Avan

Avan and I were pretty close from 9th grade but when we reached 10th standard, I somehow managed to catch feelings for him. We fought over answers, shared our moments, called and messaged each other almost all the time. We were like the different sides of the same coin.

I knew Ron had been noticing the gaps between Avan and me closing up but all I adored was Avan at that time.

After certain time, I had the urge to move on from him and I did try numerous of times. On the sixth attempt of moving on, I was over it, maybe not completely but fortunately.

On an unexpected day, I was forced to confess to Avan after which I found out that he likes some other girl, I did feel bad but just a little.

This news had spread around our class like virus. Everybody started teasing me, after which Ron was pretty much devastated and refused to talk to me for a day or two.

I didn't care at first but later on when Ron confessed to me about his feelings, I couldn't stop my flow of tears. I did want to initiate things with Ron but just out of pity? or the thing I felt for him was actually a feeling?

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