enemies -1

353 14 3

The bangtan university.....

The big parking lot filled with different type of vehicles... some of the students still in the parking area talking eachother... Or checking out others... Or doing their own bussines... But the place is calm in their natural wibe... Until.......

A black lexurious car stopped in the parking area with  a loud jerk.... The dust flew in the air... Everyone's breath hitched for a moment and some of the girls and boys already started to drool over the person inside the car altho before stepping out from the car.... Why not they all know who is  that.....

After some time the car door opened.. a leg with prada brandes boot touched the floor.... Some of the people screamed in excitement... With in second a handsom hot boy in his late 19 stepped out from the car... He removed his sunglass and that hung on his leather coat.... His big round eyes always carry  tease.... His white skin shined in the sunlight .. He combed his silky thick raven hair backward with his fingures showing his forehead..... His muscular face and sharp jaw gives him extreamly handsom feature.... His tongue touched the lip piercing.... His flexible muscular body made  everyone drool over him.

He looked around and spot a certain car similar to him... A smirk formed in his lips..... That give extra hotness in his appearence..... He grabbed his bag and closed the door... He put his  bag in his one shoulder... He looked around and poked his inner cheek with his tongue..... He put his one hand in his pocket and walked from there...He heared so much sqeals and screams for him... He rolled his eyes and walked towards the main entrance with his usual not a fvck attitude......

He climped the stairs to 3rd floor where his class belongs.... When he reached the corridor his lips curved up more  and turned into a playful smirk......

The whole students in the corridor looked at him expecting something....


In the 3rd floor of the bangtan university a boy..... Wait .....a boy the real definition of the sword beauty...... God's perfect art..... He is too much for the damn earth... An ethereal beauty.... Just a single glance is enogh to take their breath... A breath taking eathreal beauty....

His silver coloured hair kissing his forehead like they are fighting to touch that skin.... His amber eyes shining when ever he blinks.... His sharp nose and that alluring mole is invite everyone to boop with that nose.... His bread squeezy cheeks.....  a light pink can visible in that chubby cheek.... That full heart shaped lips.... Invite everyone to feel and bite... He is  much attractive......his v shaped jaw and long neck that decotrated with a simple chain.... That pink shirt carefully covered his fluffy chest and soft skin.... His small slim waist hide under his haggy coat... Under that his fatty squeezy bum.....

Yah... Bum.....

Suddenly that ethereal boy..... Jumped in his place feeling a not too harsh spank on his bum... Along with a husky voice...

??!:: hey peach......

He yelped and looed back and pushed that person knowing who must be that... He looked back angrily... His sharp nose is quivering and turned red because of anger... He smirked looking at the youngercs face and his eyes land on other's hand that holding the spanked place.... He licked his lip Pierce...

???! you fvcking jeon jungkook what is your problem... Huh...

Jungkook : aww... Is kim Taehyung  angry....Don't be an anger peach.... You look like eatable....

Taehyung gritted his teeth but the other one looked at him in victory.... He likes it too much to see other's annoying angry face...

Taehyung : shut up....brainless idiot...

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