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The next day jungkook is sitting in the class annoyingly.. His eyes land on the empty chair infront of him... He is tapping his feet on the floor annoyingly...

Jungkook : what the hell jungkook.. Can't you stay a day with out fight.. does  fighting with him become a habit to you??? ... Stop your ass man...

The remaing day he spent like this.. He was annoyed as  hell abd he doesn't like the day too... Once he saw lisa he warned her and boldly told her that he will never ever marry her....

Taehyung was absent for the next two days roo....Now jungkook is restles.. The urge  to fight  with him grows in every single second....

Now jungkook is in his room walking forth and back... He is scratching his head with a wierd expression on his face... He looked at his wrist watch and saw it's night 12'o clock.. He sighed heavily and jumped from his balcony... He looked around and watched tge whole mansion is in dark.... He slowly walked towards the car porch and carefully move out  his bike through the back way.... When he reach a safe distance from his mansion he starts his bike and drove away...

After 15 minutes jungkook stopped his bike in a dark side... He rubbed his palm together to ease the cold.. He watched the surrounding of the big mansion infront of him... He walked closer to the wall and jumped  from the safe place... He placed his hand on his chest and let out a deep sigh..

Jungkook : there is a need for thi!!!?  Can't you sleep peacefully in your room.

He looked around and saw only a room have light.. He looked the balcony and saw some plants... Unknowingly a small smile formed in his lips....

He somehow climbed the balcony and slowly opened the glass door... He saw his enemy is sitting in a chair infront of the study table... His slender fingers frequently pressing on the switch of the table lamp...because of his action the lamp blinks with ech seconds.

Jungkook placed his hand on his raising heart.... He felt his throat is dry... He gulped hard. He  even forgot to blink his eyes....

Taehyung is laying on the chair  looking nothing... His mind was dizzy... He is bored... And the hell is happening in his house is annoying him... He want to go university.. He want his daily life back... He want to free from everything....

Jungkook took a deep breath..... The word slipped from his mouth startled taehyung...

Jungkook : (slow yet audible voice) PEACH....

taehyung's eyes widened hearing the similar name and voice.. He looked back and stood from the chair shockingly....

Their eyes met.... They can hear their raising heart beat... They gulped the numb on their throat.... Their legs moved... They two take low steps....their speed increased...... In a speed of light that two body's crashed each other... They wrapped their arms around each other... They breathed heavily... They felt calm and peace in each other's hands... They felt their heart is now calm...


Taehyung is sitting on the chair resting his head on the table...looking at nothing... His mind was dizzy... He is bored... And the hell is happening in his house is annoying him... He wants to go university.. He wants his daily life back... He wants to be free from everything....

Jungkook placed his hand on his raising heart.... He felt his throat is getting dry... He gulped hard. He  even forgot to blink his eyes....his eyes stuck on his enymies ethereal face...Jungkook took a deep breath..... The word slipped from his mouth that startled taehyung...

taehyung's eyes widened hearing the similar name and voice.. He looked back and stood from the chair shockingly....

Jungkook : (slow yet audible voice) PEACH....

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