live or die-6

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Time passed and now it's almost 3 hours since  jungkook climbed on his enemies room... In the mean time they talked too much.. The kissed lovingly... They hugged... Not only that they fought with each other just like old days for nothing ... Silly rivals... They smiled whole heartly... After some more time jungkook left the kim mansion looking here and there without making any sound ...

Taehyung looked the fading figure without  blink ... A wide boxy smile adore his beautiful face... When jungkook faded away from his sight.. He flopped on the bed smiling like an idiot... He hides his face into hid palm remembering the whole things .. Their confession... Their kisses... Their first kiss before saying a single word... He blushed hard and rolled in the bed like an idiot.. After a long time he slept with a smiling face... With a happpy heart..
On the other side... Jungkook is driving back to home smiling crazily... He even shout in the empty road... The happiness overwhelming in his heart... He scratched his head shyly... He felt at that moment he is the most happy pwrson in the world.....


After two days mr. Kim allowed taehyung to go to university after investigating about taekook relationship... He only got to know that they are only enemies... Not only that if he locked him more days that will spread around...that will make difficulty for himself... So he let taehyung to go after a long lecture given to taehyung... But he didn't know that everything between his son and his rival's son changed into something that he can't accept....,

Taehyung is standing infront of the mirror looking at his reflection... Not like before today he felt sonething special... After that night he is going to see his love.... Mr. Kim broke his phone soo.. He couldn't contact him.. Thinking about jungkook a pink hue spreaded all arount his face... He excitedly stepped out from the mansion and drove towards the university.... He took a deep breath .. He looked around he felt everything is new for him.. With a small smile he stepped out from the car and headed towards his class....

Jungkook Was hella lazy to go to university.. Why not his rival, his peach is not there.. He can't even contact him...he annoyingly scratched his head and with his half heart he headed to university... As usual he parked his car in the parking lot... He leaned to the seat and closed his eyes thinking about his peach.... He sigh despirately knowing today also he can't see his peach... He is missing him very badly. He stepped out from the car as usual hearing sqeals and screams... He shrugged it but unknowingly his eyes catch the same car that belongs to his peach... Excitement rushed through his veins.. At first he want to run towards his love... But thinking about his surrounding and their positions he walked like as usual.... With his raising heart...

He rushed towards 3rd floor.. All students are watching him like today they will get something for entertainment.... When he entered in the corridor his breath hitched and he even forgot to blink... He saw his love is putting something in his locker..... His eyes travels through his back features.... Suddenly a mischievous smirk formed in his pierced lips.. He walked gowards taehyung.... He rubbed his hands together and in a slow force he spanked in other's bum...

Jungkook : hey... PEACH....

Taehyung gasped and turned around only to see his rival love is smirking at him... A tint blush formed in his cheeks... But he hide it and angrily looked at him...he pushed him slightly..

Taehyung : get lost jeon...

Jungkook smirked seeing his shy face.... Taehyung rolled his eyes and headed towards his class.... Following tae jungkook also step inside the class and sat behind him..jungkook leaned a little and flicked his head.. Taehyung looked back and saw jungkook's lips moved as  a small kiss....

Taehyung : idiot....


Taehyung is in library, writing his pending notes. He stood from his seat to look for reference... He is walking through the shelfs... In a blink of eyes someone grabbed his hand and pulled towards an empty corner... Taehyung gasped and about to say something. He  slightly opened his mouth but was sealed with a pair of warm lips.... He widened his eyes in shock... He looked other's eyes and saw jungkook is also staring him while kissing.... Taehyung moaned and closed his eyes and deepened the kiss.... Jungkook pinned him more into the wall and he also leaned more to other's body....the kiss become hungry and aggressive... They kissed until they become breathless.... Jungkook leaves other's rs lips in a pop sound.. Without wasting any second he again nibbled his bottom lips then he kissed all over his face... Taehyung just closed his eyes while tightly grabbing his shirt and let him to kiss as much as he want.... Jungkook kissed his whole face.... His hands cups other's face and they connected their forehead while  breathing heavily... Only their heavy breaths can hear in the empty place... They stayed like that for some more time...

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