Landon -10

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In the evening time namjoon entered into yoongi's mansion in a casual dress... Jin is in his home... Namjoon hand over a bag to jungkook...

Namjoon : your passport and all sertificates are in the bag... I brought them from university... You can't broke study.. You two have to complete your graduation... After reaching there yoongi will get admission in there.. Ok... And your (to Taehyung )things ate on the way....

Suddenly yoongi entered the room hella nervous...

Yoongi : joon... Uncle out out that you recieved his certificates from university... We have to rush... Taehyung's passport and certificated will get on the way...

Suddenly namjoon's phone rings and he attent the call...he sighed geavily...

Namjoon : we can't go from the airport.... Mmm.. Do one thing... No we can use metro to next airport... From there they can fly to London....

Yoongi : ya.. That is good... Kook.. Bear change your dress to something simple like a hoodie... Be carefull... If they caught us... God know what will happen... Hurry up...

After some minutes , a car drove off from the mansion to the metro station with 5 people.... The way they saw many cars roaming around here and there... For normal peoples that is nothing unusual... But they can see their company tags on each car.... After 20 minutes they reached to metro station... They covered their face with a mask and hoodie... They ran towardz the metro.... Jungkook tightly hold taehyung's hand... They are looking here and there...
Namjoon, yoongi and jimin run behind covering them... They stopped seeing one of kim's body gaurd a little far away from them.... For a few second they frozen in their place ...... But before he could see them yoongi and namjoon pushed them to a corner.... They covered them carefully.... Jimin looked around and saw the train that they want to go is coming... They hurriedly run towards the way and entered inside as soon as possible... Jungkook and taehyung sat in a corner seat... The 5 of them panting heavily.... They don't utter a single word... Namjoon and yoongi carefully looked around to see. anyone would see them... The train moved.... They let out a deep sigh.....



Time passed to 8 pm... The city slowly swallowed by darkness..... Finally they reached at the airport.... Their Tickets are already booked by yoongi.... Now they need taehyung's passport.... They are waiting for that.... Soon a red car stopped a little far away from them.... The door busted opened and a peeso. get out from the car... The next moment taehyung shivered a little.... His wide eyes stuck on that man's eyes.... His lips spit his namen slowly....

Taehyung : hobi hyung....

Hoseok run toawrds them holding a bag... Yoongi hyugged him... Hoseok looked at taehyung... He handover the bag...hoseok walked towards taekook... He looked jungkook for some time...

Hoseok : if you dare to hurt my baby... Then jeon.. No one is worster than me... Keep that in mind ok..

Jungkook nodes his head... He gulped and looked at namjoon and yoongi... Yoongi bites his tongue and points his fingure toawrds him like a warning...
Hoseok caresses taehyung's hair and smiled a little... His eyes filled with twars... Taehyung hugged hoseok..

Hoseok : Just because I haven't talked to you much doesn't mean I don't love you. You are stll our little baby...forgive hyung...

Taehyung : no... Don't hyung.. I'm sorry... I...... I'm sorry ....

Hoseok broke the hug and wiped other's face.. Go... Stay safe and happy... We will manage the reat.... Be safe... (He looked at Jungkook ) take care of him... Don't hurt him..

Jungkook : i won't...

6 of them walked inside the airport.... Taehyung hugged his both hyung and cried in their arms... Namjoon hugged jungkook... Taehyung hugged jimin and also namjoon.. They bid good bye..... 4 of them looked the fading figures of their brothers.... Their eyes stuk on their holding hands

One week passed....

In London

In a cozy appartment... Taehyung is in kitchen making some food.... walked towards him and back hugged him a little tightly... Taehyung smiled and looked at him.. Jungkook placed a kiss on his cheek ..

Jungkook :why are you moody peach... Are you regretting...

Taehyung turned around and shook his head as no...

Taehyung : fpr what kookie.... I'm not regretting... I just thinking about our family... If they was not rivals... They wre with us ..... We could have marry with everyone's blessings.... We don't know what is happening there... Hyungs didn't call us since two days... i am a bit tensed.

Jungkook smiled and cupped his face ...

Jungkook : it's ok... Hope They will understand their mistakes.....

Taehyung looked at him... Jungkook leaned down.... he captured others lips between his... They two hummed... Taehyung's slender fingers sneak inside other's thick raven hair... They tilted their head and deepen the ki$..... Jungkook's hand sneeked inside other's shirt and caresses his bare skin... Taehyung moaned..... Jungkook pushed his tounge inside his mouth and tasted every corner, suking his tongue and lower lip harshly.... He pushed his body more into other's..... Saliva mixed eachother... Taehyung felt his legs are shaking.... Jungkook picked him and placed on the kitchen counter.... With a harsh suck he left the swollen lips... jungkook buried his face into others neck while panting heavily.... Starting from some butterfly kisses.... He start to kiss that long milky neck.... Soft moans escaped from his peach...... His fingers touched his upper botton.... He is about to open them.... A sound calling bell broke their moment.... They looked each other panting heavily... They gulped and wipes their face and walked towards the main door... They don't know who is out side... Here no one know them... May be some one from yoongi... With a deep breath jungkook opened the door.... But....

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