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It's been almost 1 year that taekook return to korea... At first they hesitated.. But after sering their hyungs they agreed.. From that day they a totally saw different parents.... They are forgot their shitty enmity things... They become best buddies.... They again start to go to university.... The first thing jungkook did when he returned to korea was broke bogum's nose bridge and one of his hand for touching his love.... Don't lie the jeon's are very possassive for their things.... the whole university shocked by knowing about the new couple. They again and again saw their fights... Not like before... It was worster than before... one hand  the will fight the next time they will stickd each other like glued paper.... The whole kim family attended the yoongi's concert.... That time mr. Kim understood what is proud and pride... Yes he is poud of their sons and his sons are his pride..... Namjoon and jungkook looked after the family bussiness....

One day the whole korea shocked seeing the wedding news between kim's and jeon's... That made a commotion in the whole korea... Now the whole korea is waiting to see korea's biggest wedding....

💜Jeon jungkook weds kim taehyung.. 💜

Here our bunny boy is sulking since one week....everyone strictly warned them to Not see until the wedding day.... So last he jumped the wall of kim mansion again Only to get a beat on his ass....


the wedding destination is looking too much elegant and breath-taking... Why is Korea's biggest wedding going to happen....Jungkook is standing in tbe aisle waiting for his love of life.... his peach....he tapped his feet on floor and rubbed his hands together... He took a deep breath hearing soft music.... He closed his eyes.... At first the image came into his mind is the motionless taehyung under the lake..... He shoot open his eyes... His eyes become  red because of pain... He looked forward and saw his love is walking towards him smiling widely holding his father's hand.... He smiled through his tears.... He held his hand still looking at him... Taehyung smiled widely....

Mr. Kim : take care of him son.... He is too precious to us...

Jungkook : i will till my until my last breath...

Mr. Kim : i know... I believe you...

Jungkook looked at taehyung... Taehyung frowning seeing red eyes of others... He silently asked him what... Jungkook shook his head  as no....

Priest : can we start the marriage... Say after me... I... Jeon Jungkook....

Jungkook : i jeon jungkook takes kim taehyung as my better half in every situation of my life i will never ever leave your hand... I will hold you closer to me until my last breath....i love you tae... I love you to my life....

Taehyung's beautiful  amber eyes filled with tears and that rolled down through his bread cheeks... Jungkook chuckled and wipes that away.... He circled his hands around his waist and pulled towards him... Taehyung sniffed and smiled...

Taehyung : i kim taehyung accepted jeon jungkook as my better half... In every situation.. I will never ever leave you... You can find me next to you when ever you need me.... I will love you and cherish you until my last breath.... I love you ... I love you

Jungkook looked at his eyes and learned towards his lips... He tightened his hold... He kissed his forehead.... He stayed his lips there for some more time... They two closed their eyes ...... Jungkook cupped his face with one hand and leaned down... He slowly captured his lips between his.... Taehyung tightly fist other's coat... They kissed very passionately.... Loud cheers heard from the crowd ...... They broke the kiss and looked at his parents... Mr. Kim wiped his tears and smiled widely..... Now they know the riyal happiness of winning.... Giving the happiness for their beloved persons are the real goal in the life.....


Jungkook entered in his room holding his peach's hand... Taehyung looked at jungkook and gulped seeing others intense eyes.... When they entered inside the room jungkook pushed Taehyung into the bed...he bounced a little...Jungkook stand in the edge of bed... He eyed his husband from head to toe that gives  chill on other's spinal...

Taehyung :(shuttering)koo..... Kookie.... Why.... Why are you looking me like that....

Jungkook :(seductive husky voice) like what baby...

Taehyung :(gulped hard hearing the seductive voice) like... Like... You are gonna eat me alive....

Jungkook : that's true... Tho....

Jungkook opened his own shirt's two button... Taehyung gulped seeing hard muscles flexing... Jungkook slowly put his on knee on the bed... Like that he slowly climbed on thd bed hovering over tae... Taehyung moved back....jungkook smirked and grabbed his one hand and pushed him down... With a loud gasp taehyung looked at those intense eyes...

Jungkook : you played well right baby... You enjoyed too much to teasing me... How was that you swayed those sinful hips infront if me huh....

He grabbed his waist tightly sure it will Leave marks... Taehyung moaned in that tight hold....

Jungkook : you enjoyed too much to tease me showing your beauty right....

Jungkook's hand sneak inside others shirt... He caressed his bare body... Taehyung moaned and closed his eyes....jungkook leaned down and whisper near his ear...

Jungkook : don't close that ambor eyes peach.... I want to see every movement through your eyes.... Now this is the time to play real game baby.... Be ready to sweat under me.... Scream my name.... Roll your eyes in pleasures.... Be ready.....peach..... Can we start where we left in London......

Taehyung : i'm all yours koo... Don't ask permission.... Just love me the way you want.... Just show me your love....

Jungkook : don't regret after this... Don't think i will be easy on you....

Jungkook smirked and trail his hand down and little harshly grabbed his bum.... Taehyung let out a breath moan...

Jungkook : you know baby... Why i call you as peach..... Huh....because...... Cause..... These are look like that... Very beautiful and tempting.... Just like peach...

Taehyung : yaa... Shameless bunny....

Jungkook : do you wanna see how shameless is your husband... Huh....

He leaned down and smashed his lips with his peach... Jungkook more pressed his body into the soft mattress...... Passing time Taehyung felt breathless... Because of the lips and hands roaming around his body.... His eyes rolled back.... He screamed his name... Their sweats mixed together......  They become as one...


Years passed.....

An another summer vacation... The whole jeon and kim family are in a beach resort.... One side  mrs jeon and mrs kim are making food along with jin and jimin and kai (hoseok's husband ).... They are talking and laughing loudly...... In an another corner yoongi, namjoon and hoseok is laying on the beach side looking at their beloved husbands... Time to time winking and whistling towards them shamelessly..... An another side mr kim and jeon are playing with their grand sons and daughters....

Namjoon have two son... Yoongi have one daughter.... Hoseok have a little baby boy.... And our taekook have one angel.....

About taekook....

Inside the beach house.... From a closed door... Heavy breathing sounds and low wimbers are heard...... Jungkook meant that words.... You will regret later peach.... However he has bit time he always love his peach the way he wants... Jungkook moved in a slow space... His head thrown back... Taehyung arched his back and flopped on the mattress... Jungkook moved above from him and pecked on his little baby bumb.... Taehyung smiled whole heartly.... Jungkook cleaned both of them and lay beside his peach... Carefully hugging him in his arms....

Jungkook : i love you tae.... I won't leave you until my last breath....

Taehyung : hold me tight kookie.... I will always with you...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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