i hate you-2

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Taehyung parked his car infront of his mansion... He took a deep breath... He saw a fery familiar car in the parking at the parking area ... He rolled his eyes. He stepped out from the car along with his bag.. He opened the door and stepped inside but he stopped in his place hearing a very deep commanding voice from behind.... He sighed and looked back... He saw his father is sitting in the king size sofa... ANC some other people in the opposite sofa... None other than the park family... Bogum's dyes scanned tae from top to bottom that deffenately annoyes him.

Mr. Kim : (cold deep voice)what happened in university Taehyung...

Taehyung :(deep voice) what....

Mr. Kim : what is your relation with that jdon's son...

Taehyung : what relation....

Mr. Kim : Taehyung don't act infront of me.. Bogum told me everything.

Taehyung looked at bogum who smirked back..

Taehyung : then why are you asking me... Just ask to him.. He know very well right bogum..

Mr. Kim : watch your mouth taehyung... You are talking to your dad and your future fiance...

Taehyung : not yet dad...and i know very well that what i'm talking...abd to whome i am talking

Mr. Kim : Taehyung...

Taehyung : yah.. Yell at me.... Because of your busdiness competitions the whole university  looks at me as some criminal... Like i'm the one who is doing all things.... I hate this..... Now i wish i have  to born in a poor family that i can atleast breath without bothering anyone...

His words cutted by a slap in his face.. He looked his mother... His eyes filled with tears....

Mrs. Kim : watch your mouth taehyung... Tou are talking to your dad.... Now you are regretting to born here... You must be thankful with your life for living like a prince here....

Taehyung : yah... Living like prince.... That's why hyung left the house.... He must  felt bore to living like  another prince...

With that he rushed towards his room.. He slammed the door loudly... Mr. Kim gritted his theeth.. Bogum just smirked seeing this all...

Bogum : it's ok uncle... He must be tired that's why he behaving like that... I will talk with him..

Wuth that he stood from there and walked towards tae's room...

Taehyung entered inside the room... He throws the bag into the bed... His eyes are red and we can see a hand print on his cheek ...he took some deep breath to control himself... Telling the truth... He just hating the life... Where ever he go everyone whisper about their bussiness deals.. Their fight with jeon industries... Huh... It's all annoying him... Suddenly the door opened and bogum get inside the room.. Taehyung glared at him.

Taehyung : what the fvck is you doing g here... Who gave you permission to enter my room... Get out..

Bogum : chill baby chill... You know na i have all right to enter here after all we are going to marry right....

Taehyung : did i told you... Huh...

Bogum : no.. But your dad told me....

Taehyung : then go and marry him..i don't even like a coward like you...

Bogum : mind your words kim taehyung.... Then who you want.. Huh.. That jeon.. Huh..

Taehyung rolled his eyes...

Taehyung : stay out from my matter boogum..

Bogum grabbed his hand and tried to pull him to his body... But taehyung pushed him and he lift his hand and slapped him...

Taehyung : don't... Don't dare to touch me raskel...

Bogum : you bitch... Why can't i.. Huh... Then  why didn't you stop him  when that fvcker hold your waist... Huh... Don't you have any problem with  that...

Taehyung : who the hell are you to questioning me.. Huh.... What if i don't have any problem... Yah.. I enjoyed it.. Now are you happy then get lost...

Bogum gritted his teeth..

Bogum : you are making things worst for yourself soon to be park..... I will show you who am i..

Taehyung : the fvck out....

With that he slammed the door infront of bogum... He closed his eyes to calm himself.. But  another face appeared in  his mind... That none other than jeon jungkook... He groaned in irritation.

Taehyung : i hate you jeon... I hate you.. Because of you today this all hapoened in my life.... I just hate you... Argghhh..

On the other side jungkook is entered inside his home and saw some unfamiliar people sitting in the living room talking with his parents... Jungkook looked at them and saw one of the university beauty in his home.. He raised his eyebrow...

Mrs. Jeon : oh.. Kookie... You came come son.. We want to talk an important matter with you..

Jungkook frowned and walked towards them and sits beside his mother...

Mr. Jeon : kook.. You know lisa right...

Lisa looked at him hopefully

Jungkook : Kinda..

Lisa's face turned dull  hearing the university's handsom man doesn't know the university beauty lisa...

Mr. Jeon : jungkook they are here for a marriage proposal... Actually for a dinner meeting but your mom likes lisa so... We are thinking about the marriage...

Jungkook : i'm just 20 dad not in the age of marry someone...

Mrs. Jeon : don't you here kim's son also going to engage...

Hearing that anger rushed throgh his veins... He stood from the sofa and looked at them...

Jungkook : if kim's son is going to marry then that is his matter not mine... And you all... I don't like this proposal....

Mr. Jeon : Jungkook...

Jungkook : will you die if mr. Kim die... Huh...no right... Then atleast let give  me my life in my hands...

With that he left the room leaving angry parents..

Mr. Jeon : don't mind him... We can proceed this proposal... I will talk with him..

In the other side jungkook angrily entered inside his room.. He throws his bag somewhere and grabbed his hair angrily... He flopped on the bed huffing angrily...

Jungkook : it's all because of you kim taehyung... I hate you... I hate you to the hell....


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