i'm sorry hyung-9

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Hours before....

After calling Jungkook ....taehyung thought for a moment... He dailed jimin's number the only person who knew about his love relationship.

Jimin and yoongi are in the airport along with their bodygaurds to fly back to korea after their London concert.. As usual the concert was successful and they are happy... Jimin is sipping cold coffee... Suddenly his phone rings and he looked at the caller id.. His face frowned seeing his husband's old number... He knows now that sim card is in taehyung's hand... With confusion he picked the call... Before he saying hello... He frozen in his place...

Taehyung :(crying) chim.... Chim ...

Jimin : tae... Bear.. What happened why are you crying..

Taehyung : (crying hard)chim... Dad... He found about me and kookiee... They are trying to marry me with bogum.. I can't chim.. I'm sorry... I don't know what is held for us.. But I can't leave him or forget him... I can't marry someone else that is not my kookie... I'm sorry chim... I don't know that we can see again.. But... I... I love you chim.. I will miss you... Tell hyung too that i love him more and he is the best hyung ever.... I'm sorry....

Unknowingly tears rolled down from jimin's eyes... Before he could say anything the call was disconnected ... He tried to call him again but... It said Switched off....yoongi is watching everything standing near him... His face frowned seeimg tears in his husband's eyes... He looked at him and saw he is trying to call someone.... He cupped jimin's face who is continuously crying...

Yoongi : mochi... What happened why are you crying... Was it my bear...does he ok...

Jimin shook his head as no... He knows hiding anything is not good at this situation.. He told everything to yoongi.... At first he frozen in his place... Soon the pain... The pain for his blood... His little brother grown in his heart... .. His safty is important now... He checked the time... Now they can't do anything...

Yoongi : calm down... We can do anything for them.. Now we can only pray for them to be safe... Until we land on korea....jeezz... Plzz save my bear...

They land on korea almost in the morning .... They felt something unusual is happening.... He called one of his father's body gaurd.. From him he happened to know that they jumped off from the bridge.. At first.. yoongi felt broken...... Broken thinking about his brother's life... he is scared now... But he can't sit quitely... He searched near the bridge and lake without letting anyone know ... He remembered the abandoned park.... His mind said they will be thete safely.... Or atleast for his For his own comfort he wants to search there too....


Both of them stood from the ground... Taehyung cling more into jungkook.. Tears rolled down from his eyes... Jungkook stood there not knowing what to do..

Yoongi : bear....

Taehyung looked up and with a loud cry he throws himself into his hyung's arms... Tears rolled down from his eyes... Yoongi's eyes sruck on jungkook... Who is also broken... Still looking at taehyung... Jimin stepped front and hugged him.. At first he startled ... But with shaking hand he also hugged back....

Yoongi broke the hug and wiped other's face...

Yoongi : what you did bear.. Can't you just think about me... Huh.. How many times i told you to come to me if you want anything... Huh..

Taehyung : (still crying )hyung... I....

Yoongi looked at jungkook..

Yoongi : fall in love is not a crime bear... But the decition to give up on your own life is a crime.... Why don't you guys think about others ... Huh...yah....

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