part 1

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Lou here!!
Guess what? I'm bored and procrastinating on writing my thesis so... REIMAGINING TAIA IT IS!!

This is going to be pure unadulterated fluff btw bc fuck angst i dont need any of it rn


what if Taia didn't become friends in 2016? what if they had no reason to run into each other all those many times? what if they still mastermind themselves into each other's lives?

👀 enjoy!!



"Guess who just landed?"

Kaia dropped the phone in her lap after putting it on speaker so she could keep her focus on the road.

"Finally! I was starting to think your flight got lost or something," Kaia responded to her best friend Mica. "You would've become the next Amelia Earhart."

"Do you promise to make a blockbuster movie about it?" Mica responded. She could hear the sound of travellers rushing at the airport around him.

"I'll even get Emilia Clarke to play me as your best friend," Kaia chuckled.

"She'd make a much better Kaia Browne than you ever could," Mica teased her. "Anyway, I'm just waiting for my bag. I should be out soon."

"No worries, I'm about twenty minutes away. Traffic's a bitch today," Kaia told him before her phone started buzzing. She chanced a quick glance at it before looking at the road again. "Hey, mum's calling. Text me when you're out."

She hung up on Mica and answered her mother's call instead. "Alooooo."

"Kookie, is Mica still doing that whole vegetarian thing?"

Kaia snorted, rolling slowly behind an endless gridlock of cars on the motorway. "No, that lasted like two weeks."

"Oh, thank god. We're having chicken for dinner," her mum informed her and then, just like that, she hung up.

Kaia laughed again and turned the music back on, playing her driving playlist that was called "SONGS I COULD CINEMATICALLY CRASH MY CAR TO." Except, she was driving a rental car and she would rather not leave a dent on it. She found Mica waiting outside one of the exits and found a spot to temporarily park the car. She honked a few times to rush him. There was a line of cars behind her.

"Get in! Quick!" She motioned frantically with her hands for him to close the door. The driver stopped right behind her started honking as well and Mica took the time to flip him off before getting it.

"What is wrong with New Yorkers? Everyone's always in a rush!" Mica complained while putting his seatbelt on. Kaia booked it, pressing her foot down on the gas pedal.

She didn't really acknowledge her friend until they made it back on the highway. Only then, rolling to a stop behind a car in traffic, did she turn to her friend and let out an excited squeal.

"Ahhh! You're here!"

Mica laughed and pulled her in for a quick hug. "My flight getting cancelled twice almost made it feel like I probably shouldn't come. Do you think it was a sign?"

"Absolutely not. Everyone's excited to have you here. Dad's already planned where we're having breakfast tomorrow and Mum's fixed Layla's old room for you and everything," Kaia said, reaching over to ruffle his curls and then shove his head away playfully. "I'm glad you're here."

The Alchemy [Taia (happy) AU]Where stories live. Discover now