Chapter 2: Going To Dauntless

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The Dauntless kids erupted from the building in a tidal wave of cheers and pounding feet.

Their exhilaration was contagious, a tangible force that pulled Y/n along in its wake. She watched, awestruck, as they sprinted towards the bridge and began to climb, their ascent as effortless as if gravity itself had taken a holiday.

Emboldened, Y/n followed suit. To her surprise, her own climb was surprisingly easy, her limbs finding purchase on the metal struts with an almost instinctive grace.

Reaching the top, she paused, catching her breath as a distant rumble shook the air. Around the corner, a train cart screeched into view, its horn blaring a warning to the Dauntless already perched precariously on the tracks.

Their response wasn't fear, but excitement. Hoots and hollers filled the air as the train thundered closer, its bulk seeming to swallow the tracks before it.

The Dauntless kids on the tracks broke into a run, their pace mirroring the train's as it gained momentum.

Y/n, caught up in the frenzy, sprinted alongside them, her legs burning with the effort.  She was fast, she knew that, but her stamina was no match for these kids who seemed born to outrun danger.

As the train drew close, a figure launched himself at the side, his hands finding itself on a handhold.  He pressed the button and the door opened. Two more Dauntless kids followed the first, scrambling inside with practiced ease.

Y/n, her heart pounding in her chest, timed her jump perfectly. She launched herself towards the open door, feeling the rush of wind as the train roared past. Landing awkwardly, she stumbled, bumping into a solid figure.

"Sorry," she gasped, regaining her balance.

"No worries..." the guy chuckled, his voice surprisingly calm amidst the chaos. He was tall, his build lean under his dark clothing. "I'm Al."

"Y/n," she replied, her eyes scanning the faces around her.  They were packed in tight, a sea of excited faces and jostling bodies. And then, her gaze landed on him.

Peter. His smug grin was unmistakable, even in the dim light of the train car. Ugh, Peter.

The rest of the train ride was a cacophony of chatter and laughter, the air thick with nervous energy. Y/n, still catching her breath, found herself pressed against the wall, Al a silent presence beside her. She watched as the other kids joked and jostled, their faces flushed with excitement. 

Suddenly, a woman stood at the front of the cart, her voice cutting through the noise. 

"Get ready," she commanded, her expression severe.  Y/n frowned, glancing at Al, who only shrugged, his face unreadable.

Moving closer to the open door, Y/n peered out, sharing a look with a girl in a gray dress beside her.  Below them, the ground rushed by in a blur, but what stole her breath away was the sight of the Dauntless kids leaping from the still-moving train.  They tumbled through the air, landing with practiced grace on the rooftop of a passing building.

"They're jumping," the girl beside her breathed, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and awe.  She turned to a shorter girl, her Candor appearance clearly visible. "What?"

Y/n shifted, allowing the Candor girl a better view.  Beside her, Al spoke, his voice low. "What if you don't jump?"

Peter, who was standing nearby, snorted. "What do you think? You'll be factionless." He smirked, his eyes gleaming with malicious amusement. "Good luck, Al."  And with that, he launched himself out the open door, disappearing from view.

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