Chapter 7: Confrontation

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On that searing pronouncement, Alihan snatched up his briefcase and strode to the exit, he walked out of the classroom. He didn't look back at the faces of the students he was abandoning. Alihan simply couldn't risk enabling another act of malice or cruelty, not when his own anger had already inflicted such an unforgivable wound.

Then, Rüya leaned across the desk, giving Zeynep's arm a conspiratorial nudge. "Did you see that, Zeynep? He's really leaving. Just think, Zeynep - no more of his ridiculous strictness or impossible expectations!" She let out a giddy laugh. "We'll be free!" Zeynep looked at Rüya but was still lost in her thoughts.


Alihan was putting his belongings in a carton from his office. Then he looked at his mother's photograph. He ran a reverent finger over the glass, then clutched the frame tightly to his chest. He said, "Did I do the right thing, Anne?" leaving this job behind once and for all? I know I'll never be able to fix the damage I caused to that girl under my anger and arrogance, whether it's intentional or not. Maybe leaving this job will make me free from the guilt I've been carrying till now. I know, you never wanted to see your son like this and I myself hate this version of me. Anne, I'm your son and I won't let people question your parenting or the values you instill in me."

Then the door to Alihan's office banged open, making him startled. He quickly turned away, swiping a hand across his damp cheeks as Zeynep stormed inside. She said, "Well played, Mr. Alihan Sakarya. You were the one who fooled me now you're acting to be a saint."

Alihan in a low tone said, "Enough, Miss Yilmaz." Zeynep laughed derisively and said, "Oh, now I understand. You're leaving to play the victim card. To make a big show of nobly sacrificing your position, all to prove how great you really are."

Her lip curled with derision. "Tell me, is resigning and running away just another ploy to garner sympathy? To distract from how deeply you betrayed my trust?" Alihan firmly said, "Enough. I won't justify myself to you or anyone else. I apologised for my mistake to you and my work is done. Now I don't care what you think about me. Understood?"

Zeynep continued, "You can fool everyone here but me.."Again". We both know the real reason why you're fleeing. You're leaving to preserve what's left of your precious reputation because if the matter reaches management, they will ask what you were doing in the auditorium with me late at night and then, you will have no excuse that you lied to decorate the auditorium. You're leaving to save your dignity not mine."

Zeynep's chest heaved with ragged breaths, flush riding high on her cheeks. Alihan could only gape at her, stunned by the virulent accusation.

He said, "Think whatever you want about my intentions as I can't change them and I really don't want to. If you're here to check my patience then it's already done. You can leave now." But Zeynep seemed beyond listening at this point. With an inarticulate cry of rage, she turned and began sweeping everything off his desk.
"Miss Yilmaz, stop!" Alihan lunged forward to grab her flailing arms, but she wrenched free, continuing her destruction unabated. "What are you doing?"

Then with a loud crash rang, the photo frame containing the sole picture of Alihan's late mother shattered. Alihan froze, his eyes widening in disbelief as he witnessed the precious memento explode into shards of glass. Zeynep halted, chest heaving, as if the weight of her actions suddenly bore down upon her.

In that suspended moment, Alihan seemed to crumple. He dropped to his knees, heedless of the sharp debris digging into his skin as he frantically sifted through the remnants. "Anneee..." he choked out, fingers trembling as he carefully took out the photograph from the broken frame.

Rivulets of blood seeped from his palms, but Alihan paid no attention, his entire being centered on that photo frame. Tears stung his eyes as his gaze drank in her serene smile. As he stood up, he lifted his haunted stare to Zeynep, who could only look on in stunned silence. He shouted, "Don't you even dare. You've crossed all your limits." Alihan cradled the photo protectively. He shouted in anger, "I told you I'm leaving, so why are you overreacting? I won't be around anymore, Now, you can live peacefully. Isn't it satisfying for you?"

Zeynep's gaze drawn to the steady drip of blood from his hands. Alihan's face contorted in a pain with sorrow. Alihan shouted, "Leave I said." Zeynep shaken from his shout slowly walked out of his office.

(Zeynep's House Night)

Zeynep tossed and turned restlessly in her bed, unable to shake the haunting images from earlier - Alihan's anguished eyes, the shattered glass, his bloodied hands cradling that solitary photo like a lifeline.

"Is Alihan sir alright? His hand was bleeding..." Angered at her own concern, Zeynep shook her head vehemently. "No, no! He lied to me, Why am I thinking about him?" She pushed aside the bedcovers in agitation.

Snatching up her bag, Zeynep began unpacking her books with sharp, jerky motions. A thud sounded as something tumbled to the floor. Frowning, she bent to retrieve it - and her fingers stilled as she realized what it was. Alihan's diary that fell from an inside pocket of his coat...the one she had found in the auditorium days before. Zeynep's grip tightened around the leather-bound journal as she wavered.

Finally, she opened to the first page, if only to satisfy her curiosity, she reasoned. But as the flowed words spilled over her, Zeynep quickly became absorbed, hungrily consuming one after another. Time seemed to halt its progression as she breathlessly turned the pages, As she shut the diary, Zeynep slowly raised her gaze, eyes brimming with tears, "Alihan sir...You don't deserve all this."

(Next Morning)

Hakan came downstairs, looking uncharacteristically sharp in a formal shirt and pants. The transformation was so striking that Zeynep couldn't resist a teasing remark.

"Wow, Abi," she said, her eyes widening in mock surprise. "I think today the sun forgot to burn your brain. Someone's actually looking like a human today!"

Their mother, Cemre, playfully swatted Zeynep's arm. "Chh... Zeynep, behave. Hakan, you're looking so handsome. My dear son. May God give you all the success and all evil eyes off, my son. I'm so happy you realised your responsibilities towards our family and finally you're making a step for it." Then CEMRE got tears in her eyes and said, "Hakan, in this formal attire you're reflecting your father's image. He must be proud today."

Zeynep to lighten the mood, rolled her eyes but smiled. "Yeah, now all the love is for him." Cemre extended both her arms to them. "You are all precious to me. Come, both of you." They gently reached and hugged their mother into a warm embrace. They shared a rare moment of familial affection, the bond between them.

(Halil's office)

Later, at the office, Halil spotted Hakan from a distance. Hakan was trying to look confident, but there was an air of unease about him. Halil watched him with a smirk, his mind already working on his next move. "Look at him," Halil thought, his smirk turning into an evil smile. "Thinking I will give him money. Poor him."

With that, Halil turned away, his plan to manipulate Hakan taking shape. He knew he had the upper hand and intended to use it to his full advantage.

(At University - Morning)
Zeynep fidgeted anxiously outside Alihan's office door, the small gift packet clutched tightly in her hands. She had hardly slept, her mind a whirlwind after reading his deeply personal diary entries. She needed to see him, to say...what exactly, she didn't yet know. "Zeynep? What are you doing here?" She startled at Rüya's voice, quickly hiding the packet behind her back. "N-Nothing. Let's go to class."

As they turned to leave, Alihan's familiar figure appeared down the hallway, headed toward the dean's office. Zeynep felt her breath hitch in her throat.

Alihan paused, his gaze landing on the Dean's empty office with a scowl. "I came to sign some papers as he said needed for my resignation and now I have to wait here. In this university, gosh..." He rolled his eyes in frustration.

Resuming his stride, he failed to notice Zeynep until it was too late. They collided with a muffled thump, Zeynep frozen under the intensity of his stare. Alihan bit out harshly, "Can't you see properly? Always popping up like an unwanted notification." Relief washed over Zeynep at seeing him seemingly well, and a faint smile tugged at her lips before Alihan's scathing tone doused it.

He shoved a sheaf of papers toward her accusingly. "This is the source of your happiness that I'm carrying - my resignation letter. I hope now you'll be very happy." Zeynep's mouth worked soundlessly as Alihan turned to brush past her. Panic jolted her into action and she stepped to block his path. "Stop!"

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