Chapter 4 : Vulnerabilities

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At the auditorium, Zeynap stepped back, hands on her waist as she surveyed the half-decorated auditorium with a critical eye. Colorful banners and ribbons adorned the walls, but there was still so much left to do. "Rüya? Can you call the management office? I think the AC is leaking - we don't want any electrical issues." Rüya said,  "Yeah, good catch. I'll give them a call." As Rüya stepped aside to make the call, Zeynap grabbed another armful of ribbon and climbed up on the stepladder to continue decorating the stage. Rüya rejoined her a few minutes later. "Call is out of reach now. We will try after some time." Then her eyes swept over the cavernous auditorium. "There's still so much left, Zeynap. We've been at this for hours."

Zeynap stifled a sigh as she taped up another bright swathe of fabric. "I know. But it all has to be perfect for Professor professor Alihan's quiz competition tomorrow."  Rüya said, "Why are you doing all this for that rude professor? He doesn't deserve it." Zeynap didn't say anything but smiled. Then Rüya said, "Zeee, it's going to be evening soon. We should think about packing up for today." Zeynap replied, "You can go home, Rüya. But I need to all of this tonight." Rüya's brow furrowed with concern. "Alone? That's too much work for one person! Let me stick around and help." Zeynap said, "No, really, I've got this. You've already done so much. I can take it from here." Rüya said, "Promise me you will reach home as soon as the work is done." Zeynap smiled and said, "Promise."

As the night grew, Zeynap strained to see the ribbon she was trying to secure, balanced precariously on the tallest step of the ladder.
Stretching up on her tiptoes, she gave one final tug to straighten it. But the sudden movement caused the old ladder to wobble dangerously beneath her. With a cry of alarm, Zeynap felt herself pitching backwards. Her eyes squeezed shut in fear as she waited for the inevitable impact with the hard floor. But instead of a jarring collision, a pair of strong arms caught her, cradling her slight form securely.
Zeynap's eyes fluttered open to find herself gazing up into Alihan's face, just inches away. Their eyes locked with electric intensity. Then the spell was broken as Zeynap said, "S-Sorry, sir, I was just..." Seeming to shake himself, Alihan cleared his throat roughly. "Yes, well..." He carefully set her back on her feet, taking a hasty step backwards.

Zeynap tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, looking anywhere but not at him. "The, um, the auditorium is nearly ready, sir." With a stiff nod, Alihan turned away and Zeynap retreated to the stage. Just then, there was a loud popping sound followed by a bright flare of sparks as the old auditorium AC sputtered and fizzled. Zeynap wasn't aware about it. Alihan shouted, "Look out!"

In a flash, Alihan reached her side, one hand gripping her arm as he spun and pulled her rapidly against his chest. His other arm came up to protectively shield her head as the sparks rained down around them. Heart pounding wildly, Zeynap found herself enveloped in his solid embrace, tucked into the safety of his powerful frame. Alihan asked, "Are you alright, Miss Yilmaz?"
She nodded shakily, still reeling from the scorching sparks and Alihan's close, shielding embrace. "Y   Yes sir, I'm okay." She replied.

He seemed to study her face for a moment longer then he said, "One moment.." He strode over to the supplies and grabbed a water bottle, handing it to her. Their fingers brushed ever so slightly in the exchange.


Hakan sat at a dimly lit bar.  His face was drawn with frustration. He had been gambling for hours, and his luck had run out. The cards and dice had not been in his favor tonight, and now he found himself in a precarious situation.

As the last hand was dealt, Hakan watched helplessly as his final chips were swept away by the grinning man across the table. His pockets were empty, and his debt had grown insurmountable. The man who had just won leaned back, a smug expression on his face. "What happened, bro?" the man taunted, his voice dripping with mock concern. "You were on such a roll, and now you’ve lost a huge amount to me."

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