Chapter 9: The hidden corner

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Zeynep stood at the bus stop, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she waited for her bus. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the pavement. Her mind was still preoccupied with the events of the day, especially the abrupt departure of her professor, Alihan.

As she glanced around, she noticed a commotion near the park's entrance. Several police officers were gathering, their expressions serious. Intrigued and a bit concerned, Zeynep decided to walk over and see what was happening. As she approached, she heard a familiar voice, strained with worry and panic. "You have to find my grandmother. She must be around here somewhere. She hasn't had anything since morning. Please, so something and find her."

Zeynep's steps faltered as she saw Alihan standing in the midst of the officers, his usually composed demeanor shattered. Tears glistened in his eyes, and his voice cracked with desperation. This was a side of him she had never imagined-vulnerable, anxious, and utterly emotional. Alihan, the typically stern and seemingly unapproachable professor, was pleading with the officers, his concern for his grandmother evident in every word. Zeynep's heart ached at the sight. The contrast between the man she knew from the lecture hall and the man standing before her now was drowning into his own vulnerability. The officers nodded sympathetically, spreading out to search the area. Alihan ran a hand through his hair, his face etched with worry. Zeynep stood rooted to the spot, unsure of what to do. She had always seen Alihan as a figure of authority, someone distant and almost intimidating. Seeing him like this, so openly distressed, made her see him in a completely different light. Gathering her courage, Zeynep approached him. "Professor Alihan," she called softly. Alihan looked up, his eyes widening in surprise at seeing her. "Miss Yilmaz," he said, his voice hoarse. "What are you doing here?"

"I was waiting for the bus and saw the police. I didn't know it was about your grandmother," she said, stepping closer. "Is there anything I can do to help?"Alihan swallowed hard, clearly moved by her offer. "Thank you, Miss Yilmaz. She has Alzheimer's and wandered off from her caretaker.

I'm just... I'm so worried. She hasn't eaten anything today. I don't know what to do?" Zeynep's heart breaking for him. "Sir, she must be around. Let's look for her together. She can't have gone far." They began to search the park, Zeynep following Alihan's lead. As they walked, Zeynep stole glances at him, seeing the raw emotion on his face. It was clear how much he loved his grandmother, and she felt a surge of empathy for him.

In Dubai, Beyza was guilty of her words before, sat beside Ali.

"Ali.. I'm sorry for what I..." "Beyza, can you stop with the dramatics for one minute?" he sighed, not even looking up.

Beyza whirled around, her eyes flashing with anger. "Dramatics? Is that what you call it, Ali? I came here to put my anger aside and you're saying.. You're insane Ali." Ali finally put down his phone and looked at her, his expression a mix of boredom and irritation. "I never promised you a fairytale, Beyza. You knew what you were getting into. We agreed on this life together." "No, you convinced me with your money and your promises," she shot back. "But what have I really gotten? You're always busy with your business deals, and I'm left here alone. I thought we were going to travel, go to parties, meet interesting people.

Instead, I'm stuck here, day after day, with nothing to do."

Ali stood up, his demeanor shifting to one of cold indifference.

"Beyza, wake up. This is our life now. Enjoy it. Why are you always complaining?" Beyza's eyes filled with tears of frustration. "I thought I was choosing love! What happened to all those promises you made? But I didn't know that love would buy my freedom." Ali's laugh was bitter. "Love? You're the last person who should be talking about love, Beyza. You ran away from an engagement for a man with more money. Don't act like you're some innocent victim." Beyza's face reddened with anger.

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