Chapter 10: Who's Alihan's new girlfriend?

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(The Golden Wings Cafe)

Eda and Zeynep slipped into the Golden Wings Cafe, glancing around cautiously. They spotted Alihan seated at a table, engrossed in conversation with someone hidden from view by the tall back of the chair. Eda squinted and whispered, "Who is Alihan sir talking to? There's no head of that lady. Is she headless?" She stifled a giggle. Zeynep smiled at the joke but felt a twinge of anxiety. "I told you, let's go back before he sees us."

Just then, Alihan stood up, revealing a little girl who had been sitting in the hidden chair. He cradled her gently in his arms. Eda's jaw dropped. "What? Alihan sir has a daughter?" In her shock, Eda accidentally knocked over a ceramic vase, which shattered on the floor. The noise drew Alihan's attention. Eda bolted, quickly ran away leaving Zeynep standing there, wide-eyed and flustered.

"Miss Yilmaz," Alihan called, his voice cutting through the murmur of the cafe. Zeynep felt a wave of awkwardness wash over her. She walked over to him, trying to compose herself. "Hello, sir." Alihan looked at the little girl and said softly, "Say hello, Kiraz." "Hello," the little girl shyly said. Zeynep smiled warmly at Kiraz. "Hello, Kiraz. Sir, who's she?" Alihan explained, "She's my friend's daughter. His wife is out of town, and he's busy with work, so I'm babysitting her." Zeynep sighed in relief, the tension in her shoulders easing. Just then, Kiraz tugged at Alihan's sleeve and pointed at Zeynep. "Uncle, I want my hair like this," she said, gesturing towards Zeynep's neatly tied hair.

Alihan looked at Zeynep, visibly nervous. "No, no, Miss Yilmaz, you don't have to bother... I'll buy her a toy; she'll be happy." "No, sir," Zeynep interjected. "If she wants it, let her have it. It's not a big deal for me." Alihan hesitated, then nodded appreciatively. Zeynep knelt down to Kiraz's level and said, "Alright, let's find a seat, and I'll make your hair as pretty as you want it." As Zeynep and Kiraz moved to another table, Alihan watched them standing beside them.

As Zeynep started to style Kiraz's hair, her own hair strands fell into her face, obstructing her view. She tried to brush them away, but her hands were occupied. Alihan watched, his fingers twitching as if to help. He hesitated, then stopped his hand in the mid air. Zeynep looked up, catching his gaze. Alihan's face was full of nervousness. "Ahh," he stammered, "may I help you with those.. only if you don't mind?" Zeynep looked at him and, after a brief pause, she nodded softly. Alihan carefully lifted Zeynep's hair strand, tucking it behind her ear with the utmost delicacy, as if afraid to touch her skin. Zeynep noticed his expression, full of concentration and tenderness, his eyes focused on the task with a gentleness that made her heart flutter. She smiled softly and continued styling Kiraz's hair.

Kiraz, now with her hair beautifully styled, gazed at her reflection in a compact mirror Zeynep handed her. Her eyes sparkled with delight. "Now I look like a princess! Just like you... Am I right, uncle?" Alihan felt a rush of nervousness. "Y yes," he stammered, his eyes darting between Kiraz and Zeynep.

Zeynep looked up at him, thinking, "How sincerely he responds every time around girls..."

Kiraz said, "Uncle, can you click our picture together?" Alihan's eyes widened. "What?" But before he could protest, Kiraz had already moved close to Zeynep, ready to pose. With trembling hands, Alihan held up his phone. "Done..." he mumbled after clicking. Kiraz frowned. "Uncle, you're not in this picture! Come on!" "No... no," Alihan stuttered, "I'm okay. I mean, if I also come, then I'll be the odd one out, isn't it?"

Zeynep watched him, amused. "Oh my God, he's so shy around me," she thought. Aloud, she said, "It's okay, sir. You can come." Alihan's lips curved into a faint smile. He moved beside them, holding the phone up to capture a selfie. Kiraz was between them, all three smiling brightly. As Alihan leaned back to check on Kiraz, she suddenly shifted, leaving Alihan inches away from Zeynep. Their eyes met, breaths mingling in the small space between them. In that moment of hesitation and unspoken tension, Alihan accidentally pressed the capture button. The click of the camera startled them both. Both of them looked away awkwardly. "I'm sorry," Alihan mumbled, his cheeks flushed. "I... Kiraz, why did you move away?" Kiraz was standing at a distance giggling at her innocent prank.

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