Chapter 1: Two Parallel Worlds

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A girl, hurried across the manicured campus, clutching her books tightly to her body. She kept her head down, averting her gaze from the wealthier students whose expensive clothes and casual confidence contrasted with her own. A sense of feeling like an outsider hangs over her despite her accomplishments. She arrived at the auditorium classroom just as the large doors are closing. Taking a breath, Zeynap went inside and meekly found a seat towards the back, eyes down.

All chatter and shuffling stops when the professor strides in commandingly - this is ALIHAN SAKAARYA. Though relatively young himself, Alihan has an aristocratic, worldly presence and the aura of a celebrated academic destined for greatness.

Zeynap's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to Alihan as he confidently start his lecture. His intensity and gravitas are magnetic, rendered all the more striking by his refined good looks.  There's an arcane power and raw masculinity simmering beneath his intellectualism. At one point, Alihan's penetrating gaze happens to catch and linger momentarily on Zeynep before continuing onward. She feels her breath hitch under his heavy stare. An infinitesimal spark has been struck that may ultimately consume them both. As class wrapped up, the teacher's authoritative voice cut through the room once more. "Miss Yilmaz - a word please."  Frozen with panic, Zeynep's eyes dart around at her smirking classmates before she has no choice but to accept Alihan's ominous request. Clutching her belongings with white knuckles, she makes her way down to the front of the auditorium to face him one-on-one.

Alihan loomed over the visibly tense Zeynap. "You've missed an excessive number of my lectures," he says in a low rumble. "This isn't your street side University.. you gained this scholarship.. just price its value or you can leave anytime." Zeynap opened her mouth to speak, but Alihan interjects sharply. "I don't have time for explanations or excuses. You'll report to my office Saturday at 8am sharp for a make-up instruction session." His eyes burn intensely into hers. "Is that clear, Miss Yilmaz?"  Though terrified, Zeynap can only give a slight, trembly nod in response. As Alihan left, Reyhan exhaled shakily.

Now, It's a warm afternoon at the university gardens. ZEYNAP was sitting on a stone bench, books and notes spread out before her as she studies diligently. Her friend Ruya sat down beside her with an exaggerated sigh.

Ruya said Why are we stuck inside on such a gorgeous day? We should be soaking up some vitamin D, not vitamin B...oring! (she gestures at Reyhan's textbooks)

Zeynap (not looking up): Speak for yourself. I have no intentions of failing professor Alihan's class just because the weather is nice.

Ruya replied Ooh, you mean Professor Tall, dark and Handsome? (she fans herself dramatically) I wouldn't mind privately tutoring sessions with him!
Zeynep finally glanced up at her friend, rolling her eyes at the obvious thirst. But she can't quite suppress the little smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Zeynap said, "What are you talking about? That man is insufferable! He scolded me in front of the entire class on the first day, for joining the semester late.

Ruya (grinning mischievously): Yes, but even when he's angry, that deep voice of his could melt steel beams! How deliciously did he say your name "Miss...Yilmaaaazz..."

Zeynap flushes slightly, despite herself. She gathers up her book and playfully swats Ruya's  arm. ZEYNAP while re-focusing on her studies with a shake of her head said ," You're impossible. Skip his classes for two months and then let's see if you still feel that way.

Zeynap entered her house. As she entered her elder brother, Hakan (The middle sibling) sitting on the sofa watching Tv. Zeynap dropped her overflowing bag with a loud thump, rubbing her temples wearily. Just then Hakan in a mocking tone said, "Well, well, if it isn't Zeynap Hanim herself, gracing us lowly people with her presence." Zeynap got irritated and replied, "Abi please. Because of you I got late submission of fees for this semester. Please don't increase my problems more." Hakan again remarked, "You'd better be putting those university smarts to good use. Maybe one day you'll be rich enough to take care of this entire family, hm?"

Zeynap felt her jaw clench in irritation, in no mood for his needling right now, "Abi, please. Because of you making me late with the fee payment, I'm already behind in my studies." Just then, BEYZA - Zeynap's eldest sister came, "Zeynap, kuzum! There you are. How was your day at the university?" Zeynap catches Hakan rolling his eyes over Beyza's shoulder. she replied, "It was...long, Abla. I'm just feeling very tired right now." Beyza softly said, "Of course, kuzum. Go get some rest. I'll have a plate ready for you."

Alihan holding a cup of coffee heading towards his grandmother. Alihan softly said, "Your coffee, Babaanne." His grandmother smiled through her wrinkles and said, "Thank you so much, my dear child. The good Lord bless you." She takes a contented sip of the rich brew. Alihan gazes at his grandmother in comfortable silence, seemingly happy just to bask in her presence.
ALIHAN asked, "How was your day, Babaanne?" The grandmother replied, "What it always is, yavrum. Your baba never did allow me much in the way of activity. (wistfully) But you know how my heart still longs to feel the warmth of the sun and smell the blossoms in the park." Then Alihan reaches over to pat Babaanne's weathered hand reassuringly and said, "Then it's decided. Tomorrow, you and I will spend the entire day out in the fresh air. We'll stroll through the park, breathe in the greenery. Perhaps even indulge in a treat like we used to cream" Babaanne's eyes twinkle youthfully as she barks out scratchy chuckles and said, "Just like my mischievous Alihan boy to tempt an old woman so. You're my favourite.. my Alihan boy."

Zeynap takes a steadying breath before rapping her knuckles against the door of Alihan's office. Hesitantly she knocked. "Enter," his voice from the other side, raising goosebumps along her arms. Zeynap replied, unable to keep the slight waver from her voice. She takes a few steps further inside, wringing her hands anxiously, "Y..You called me sir." Alihan lifted his intense gaze to bore directly into hers. His eyes are narrowed, Zeynap breath catches under that penetrating stare. With one deft movement, Alihan sweeps a thick folder from his desk, letting it thump loudly on the table.

Startled, Zeynap's eyes flit towards the unexpected offering. "These are all coursework assignments and readings you've missed in my class up until now. Since you saw fit to enroll so late this semester."

Zeynap's stomach dropped. The folder is practically overflowing with papers and handouts, an impossible amount of material to catch up on.   She said, "I...I'm not sure how I can possibly complete all of—"  In a flash, Alihan is on his feet, palms planted on the desk as he leans forward with dangerous gaze. Zeynap instinctively retreated a step. Alihan's deep stern voice echoed, "That's not my concern, Miss Yilmaz. You accepted a place in my course, fully aware of the efforts required. I suggest you collect those and get started...immediately."

Zeynap can only manage another mute nod, fighting the frantic pounding of her pulse at both his commanding tone and the implication of the work which Alihan assigned to her. Then she hesitantly said, "Sir..umm . Actually.. my sister's engagement is in the coming days so.. Can I submit the assignments by next weekend?" Alihan smiled sarcastically and said, "Yes Yes sure.. if you want I can come to your sister's engagement to dance for you will that be fine miss Yilmaz?" Zeynap got irritated by his words. She picked up the folder and walked out of his office..

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