Chapter 2 : Confusions and Decissions

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Zeynap and her mother CEMRE are seated together on the well-worn sofa. Laid across Jemre's lap is an elegant but fairly embroidered dress - clearly meant for a special occasion. BEYZA sits adjacent in a tufted armchair, eyeing the garment with a discerning gaze.
CEMRE while running a hand over the fine stitching said, "There, what do you think? I had been saving up for months to purchase this as your engagement outfit." She looks up at Beyza with poorly masked hope and uncertainty in her eyes. Beyza said, "It's...lovely, Anne. Truly. But it's not quite a designer piece, is it? And we both know those are simply unbeatable when it comes to class." Jemre's face falls ever so slightly as Beyza lets out a small laugh. Zeynap felt a flare of protective indignation for their mother's excitement being so coldly rebuffed.

Zeynap said, "So what if it's not designer, Abla? You'll look beautiful in anything. Mama picked this out specially for you." But BEYZA Coldly replied, "Maybe in your world, kizim. But those designer clothes have class about them, no?" Then CEMRE said, " But Beyza.. I  know money has been tight since your baba—

Then Beyza's phone begins trilling from her purse. She scoops it up without a second glance at them and exits the room. Zeynap scowls after her, watching the lines of Jemre's face etch deeper with dejection. Gently, Zeynap extracts the dress from Jemre's hands, feeling the lovingly-embroidered detail under her fingertips.

Now, Beyza went inside her room and locked the door. She lowered her voice and whispered over the call she said, "Ali, I've told you so many times - do not call me at this hour. Everything between us is over now, do you understand?" Ali on the call replied, "Beyza, my dear, why are you doing this to us? To me? You know the depths of my love for you. Name it - I'll bring you everything your heart desires and more if you'll only come back to me."  Beyza Coldly said, "Don't be mad, Ali. The arrangements are already set - I'm to be engaged to Halil bey's son this week." Ali said, ", I won't let that happen. I can't lose you, Beyza." Beyza sharply Said, " It's already very late Ali." And then she cuts the call.

Now, the engagement arrangements are ready at the venue. Guests are arriving. Beyza was standing next to Zeynap she hushed, "They're making me marry a man who I have not even seen him ever. I'm so nervous." Zeynap said, "ohh ho don't worry abla. Baba and his friend have fixed this alliance years ago. Still if baba isn't here with us it's our duty to fulfill the promises he had made." Just then Zeynap's friend Ruya came and Zeynap got busy with her conversation.

Just then, Flowing through the ornately-carved doors is an unmistakable figure. It's none other than ALIHAN SIR, looking handsome in his black and white tuxedo. Ceyda saw Alihan and said, "Dear God, Zeynap...please tell me that devilishly sinful work of perfection isn't our Professor Alihan??" Zeynap got surprised and said Where? As she saw she was shocked and said, "He's not looking like.. he is Professor Alihan. But what is he doing here?"

Then Zeynap with her eyes widened and chest heaving said, "Ruya..Ruya, you have to help me! Is there somewhere I can hide, or slip away quietly before he can see me." Ruya replied with amusement, "Of course, Zeynap? Surely you don't expect that man to pull you aside for questions about coursework here? At your own sister's engagement party?" Zeynap said while chewing her lip anxiously, "But...but of course he would! You know how strict and uncompromising professor Alihan is. I am so scared, Ruya Oh! he said he will come to dance at my sister's engagement. Is that what he's here for?" Ceyda laughed and said Really Zeynap?" And they both chuckled.

Near the front, ALIHAN stands with a forced smile, hands folded stiffly behind his back. Just then Alihan's father reached and said, "There you are, my son. Come along now, I'll introduce you to some of Istanbul's most...influential associates." As Alihan engages in the obligatory vapid pleasantries, his gaze continues roving around just then his eyes fall upon Zeynap who was hiding from him. Alihan with an amusement smiled at her antics.

As the engagement ceremony begins, everybody gathers around the stage. Zeynap was standing near the stage clapping cheerfully for the groom's procession that had just begun. Just then, Alihan passed by Zeynap, walking towards Beyza and standing beside her. Zeynap was extremely shocked to see that Alihan was the one who is getting engaged to her sister. Zeynap can't even find the breath to respond. CEYDA mockingly said, "Did you SEE that, Zeynap?? Your deliciously stern professor Alihan is set to become your very own BROTHER-IN-LAW! Now, you can take help for coursework anytime."
Just then, Beyza and Alihan face each other and with a single, weighted look exchanged between them, they accept devastating commitment in the form of the ornate ring exchanged and fitted onto awaiting fingers. Everybody cheerfully enjoyed their engagement.

Here at a secluded corner, Beyza and Ali were there. She hissed, glancing around anxiously, "Ali? What are you doing here?" Ali stepped closer, his eyes intense. "I had to see you, Beyza. Look..." He opened his palm to reveal a glittering diamond ring. "I got this for you." Beyza replied, "Ali, you shouldn't have. I...I just got engaged to Alihan." His jaw ticked. "I don't care about that professor. My love for you is real." He moved closer still, backing her against the wall. "I got a job in Dubai. We can start fresh, just you and me. I'll give you everything you deserve, my love." Beyza felt her resolve slipping as Ali's presence overwhelmed her senses. "I...I can't..." "Yes, you can." Ali cupped her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. "This is our chance at true happiness, Beyza. That man can never love you like I do. Come with me and I'll make all your dreams come true." Beyza's head spun. Ali's words tempted her, visions of exotic travels and endless riches dancing before her eyes.

Here, Zeynap hurried down the dimly lit corridor, her heels clicking urgently as she scanned each doorway for her sister. "Abla? Abla, where are you?" Rounding a corner, she collided hard with a solid figure. Strong hands gripped her arms to steady her as she lost her balance. She looked up and her breath caught - it was Alihan, his chiseled features mere inches from her own. Time seemed to slow as their gazes locked. Zeynap felt herself being irresistibly drawn into the depths of his warm brown eyes.

Realizing her hand had come to rest on his shoulder, Zeynap moved it away. She stepped back awkwardly, unable to get into his eyes again. Alihan gently asked, "Are you alright?" Zeynap could only nod jerkily, keeping her gaze averted as she was very awkward with their recent interaction. Without another word, she brushed past him and ran away. Alihan watched her running away feeling strange from her behaviour. Then he said to himself, "This girl is so clumsy.. She also hasn't submitted her assignment irresponsible and childish this girl is," while brushing his hands over the coat.

Now, Zeynap pushed open the door to Beyza's room. The bedsheets were rumpled, drawers left open haphazardly. But it was the vacant spaces on the dresser and nightstand that made Zeynap's eyes widen in shock. Beyza's belongings were gone. A chill swept over Zeynap as the implication struck her. Abla had left...but where? And why? What has she done? Oh my god!" Her mind whirled as she backed out of the room.

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