Chapter 11: Action Reaction!

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Zeynep hurried across the university lawn, like usual. Her reverie was shattered when a group of students surrounded her, their faces a mix of mockery and thinly veiled aggression. "Ohho, Madam Zeynep is going somewhere," one of them sneered. "Oh wait, whose class time is this?" Another chimed in, "Alihan's. The one whose love for his student was displayed on the community board." They burst into derisive laughter. Zeynep felt her cheeks burn with a mixture of shame and anger. She tried to push past them, but they blocked her path. One student, taller and more menacing, stepped closer. "Stay away from that professor. Mustafa brother doesn't like it." At the mention of Mustafa's name, Zeynep's eyes widened in fear. She knew of his reputation - the self-proclaimed "campus king" with a penchant for violence and control. "Mustafa brother ordered us to convey his message to you," the thug continued."Understand that?"

Just then, a fierce voice cut through the tension. "Move away, all of you!" It was Rüya, Zeynep's classmate, her eyes blazing with righteous anger. "What do you think you're doing?" One of the men turned, his face contorting with rage. "Look, we aren't talking to you..." "You're all just pawns of that goon Mustafa!" Rüya spat back, confronting them. The man's face turned angry. He lunged forward, snatching Rüya's bag. "Hey girl, mind your tongue!" he growled, preparing to hurl the bag across the lawn. In the scuffle, Zeynep was shoved hard. She lost her balance, crashing to the ground. A sharp pain shot through her elbow as it scraped against the rough pavement.

(Halil's company warehouse)

Hakan was busy overseeing the loading of the consignment at Halil's warehouse. The workers were efficiently stacking the cartons in the truck, and Hakan was checking each one off his list.

The atmosphere was tense, but everything seemed to be going smoothly. As the last of the cartons was loaded and the truck was ready to go, a group of men approached Hakan. Their leader, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, greeted him with a sinister smile. "Hello, Hakan brother. We've given you plenty of time to return the money. Where's our money?" Hakan's face paled slightly, but he maintained his composure. "I'm working on it. By the end of this month, I'll get my salary and I'll pay the first installment, I promise."

The leader laughed mockingly. "Installment? We don't work with installments here. You know Pasha very well." Hakan swallowed hard, trying to keep his voice steady. "Just give me some time, at least. I'm close to getting the money." The leader's expression hardened. "No more time, brother." He turned his gaze to the truck, loaded with cartons. With a swift motion, he snatched the keys from Hakan's hand. "Until then, we're taking this along with us. Consider it a collateral. The rest of the payment should be done very soon. Otherwise, you know what Pasha is capable of."

Hakan's heart sank as he watched the men climb into the truck.

"Wait!" he shouted desperately. "Please, just a little more time." The leader gave him a cold, final look. "You've had your time, Hakan. Now, we're taking what's ours."

The truck roared to life and drove off, leaving Hakan standing there, helpless and defeated. He knew he was answerable to halil about the consignment.

(Back at the university)

The moment they saw Zeynep fall, the group scattered like cockroaches in the light. Their bravado evaporated, replaced by cowardly panic.

Rüya rushed to Zeynep's side. "Oh my God, Zeynep! Are you okay?" She gently helped her friend up, wincing at the sight of the scraped elbow. Zeynep looked at Rüya, tears welling in her eyes. Rüya said fiercely. "This is unacceptable. We need to report this to the administration.

And Alihan sir should know..." "No!" Zeynep interjected, her eyes wide with panic. "We can't tell him. He'll... he'll think I'm causing trouble again in his name. And Mustafa... he'll make things worse."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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