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I really am, why? Because the class is getting new lab partners because of ME!

Yes, me I'm the new kid and O'Meda literally WILL move EVERYONE!

Me and Téa were giving each other the EVIL Eye of Horus, I mean, the stink eye. Who would EVER put us as partners and why would it EVER be Téa and I?

O'Meda must've saw our reactions and instead of making poisonous radioactive liquid and making us drink it isn't that much torture.

'Um... Let's see... how about MR. MOTO... and MISS GARDENER?' he announced.



SO NOT ALRIGHT! Please give me a free pass into the Afterlife without Judgement please.

|Maths Class|

I skipped Science because O'Meda as going to a BAD and BORING lecture which makes me STARE at Yami for a long period of TIME.

I bet Téa wasn't up for it. What I mean is that she was being jealous because Yami likes to be friends with ME and NOT her!

'Ok class, Pop Quiz!' our maths teacher, Mrs, Von Lawrence announced,

'What pop quiz?' I muttered to myself. I was STILL busy looking at Yami, AGAIN!

I mean, why is that guy SO addictive?

'Yugi Moto, you'll be our example, what is (a + x) - 12=?'

'Uhhhh... 14?'

'Incorrect Yugi,' Then she asked someone else... and luckily, that someone else was Téa,

'Téa, what is this?' she asked tapping he long thick stick thingy to the question on the board.

'I don't know' Téa said flipping her hair 'Why don't you answer it yourself?'

'That won't be learning!' I argued, but I only said that in my mind so nobody can hear it but me.

Tomorrow is going to be called a day. I'm watching Yami's duel on TV while in Joey's newly renovated house after his father's unfortunate death. He was a drunk driver, part of a fatal car crash he had made.

Joey and Serenity were so happy that their father was dead and also a little sad.

This passage is going to be short because I can't write anymore.

I just can't. I'm full of happiness all over.


Me and Heba were out and about in the city and are entering the grocery shop.

We are now in charge of the groceries and Heba and I are always causing a bit of trouble.

'Hey Heba, aren't we supposed to be getting the things on the list?' I asked

'Yeah, I got more patties' he said holding up 12 packets of hamburger patties.

'I don't think that's on the list but anyways... LET'S GET IT!'

'Hello Yugi, long time no see'

'Oh no not you' Heba said,

It was Ushio, he was a bully in my old school, he's best friends with my former crush, he always picked on me.

'Did you hear what I said?' he asked, Heba looked at me confused,

'Did you hear what he said? Does it look like we knew what you said? What did you say?' Heba, bro, I owe you.

'I wasn't talking to you, nerd, I was talking to Yugi' Heba poked his tongue, but Ushio pretended like he didn't see him, actually he acted like Heba didn't exist at all!

'Look here Yugi, your lucky that you moved to Domino, I think I know why.'

'To get away from you am I correct?'


'That's not it, oh and BTW tell, HIM that I don't like him anymore. I have ANOTHER crush so BACK OFF!'

'Yeah, what Yugi said' Heba agreed

'Who is he?' Ushio asked

'Pffft, why would I tell you?' I said


'You need a valid reason' Heba said, then he dragged me away with the shopping cart.

'You don't want to talk to this guy anymore oh and BTW I'm getting tickets'

'What tickets?'

'For the DM comp. I know how much you like, no, ADDICTED to Yami and I know your planning to record his duel in the TV, but the recording won't tun out well so...'

'Your getting tickets so I can watch Yami's duel LIVE!'

'Correct my bro and our friends are coming too.'

'How much money do you have now?'

'Five thousand Yen'


Heba's lucky to be one of the smartest in Domino, he earns a very high wage for getting every answer right in a test or something.

We have doe the groceries. Afterwards me and Heba ran back to the shopping centre wanting tickets.

But they were too packed. I groaned,

'I guess we have to watch it on the TV then.'

'Oh Ra no we ain't' Heba said flapping paper thingies in front of my face.

'H-how did you-'

'Hey, the other line'

'What other- oh' There was another line to get tickets, everybody was too packed on the left side that there was another one on the other side of the store.

'Heba, I'll say this once and I won't say it once...'

'AMAZING' We both said at the same time.

I'm... I mean WE are watching Yami's duel LIVE!!!

Thanks to my, amazing, twin bro, Heba.

Not only Heba, I have other friends.



YEAS!!! I finally finished!!!

I can't wait to even write the next chapter. It is SO suspenseful, I even wrote a description for it!

Yugi and his twin brother, Heba, are going to their first EVER sleepover and before they begin their fun and games, they watch Yugi's crush's, Yami, duel...


But afterwards a game of Truth or Dare begins with fun, but then BACKFIRES as Yugi was dared to be something in the Homecoming Dance that he'll never refuse and forget.

What is his dare?

And will he survive it Next Friday?

Or be humiliated in front of the whole school?

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