Harry ~ Overdose

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Louis's POV
"More shots Lewis!" Niall shouted.
"Let's get them!"
"One shot of water, thanks," I said to the barman and he nodded. It was a house party after our 1D reunion show and Niall was already very far gone. Lewis and Liam were also pissed, but I was proudly onto being sober. After everything I had been through, giving up alcohol had been life-changing for me. I was a lot happier and healthier than I had when I had been drinking.
"To us boys!"
"One Direction!"
"The good DAYS!!" Niall screamed and we all drank our shots.

The party continued, but I read the clock and it was half-past one. Harry had disappeared 30 minutes ago so I went to find him. He was very drunk and he'd been heading with a group to do some drugs.
"Harry? You're missing out on the party. Have you seen Harry?"
"They were heading upstairs."
"Thanks love," I said and I went upstairs before I kept searching. "Harry? Harry, are you still up here?" I asked as I passed through lots of people. I opened the door to the bathroom and my heart fell.

Harry was lying in the bath and he had his eyes closed. I just knew that something was really wrong but I stayed calm and knelt beside him. "Harry? Harry mate, can you hear me? Harry? Darling," I said as a girl passed the door. "Can you get Liam for me?"
"Liam? He's down..." The girl said before she tripped and she laughed.
"Liam darling. He's downstairs."
"Downstairs. I love you!" She shouted before she stumbled down the stairs.
"Love you too," I said before I turned back to Harry. "Harry, it's Louis. Talk to me," I said and I pressed my fingers into his neck, and I started taking his pulse.
"Louis. You called for me," Liam said as he appeared at the door.
"How drunk are you?"
"Not that much, I've been sobering... is that Harry?"
"I need you to help me get him out of the bath."
"Is he alright?"
"Just help me."
"Take his legs," I said and Liam went to the other end of the bath.
"On 3. 1, 2, 3," I said and we lifted Harry out of the bath.
"How much has he had to drink?" Liam asked as we lay him onto the ground.
"A lot, but he went with a group to do some drugs as well."
"Harry? Can you hear us?" Liam asked as I went beside Harry and I put my hands together, preparing to do CPR. "What are you doing Louis?"
"Stay calm and call for an ambulance. He hasn't got a pulse," I told Liam as I started doing CPR on Harry.
"Call them, right now."
"Ok... ok."
"Come on Harry," I said and Liam called 999 as Niall appeared at the door.
"There you are. What's going on?"
"Not now Niall. Go downstairs and drink some water."
"Ambulance please," Liam said behind me. "My friend, he's not... he's not got a pulse. He's been drinking and we think that he's taken some drugs."
"Is that Harry?"
"It is. I need you to sober up Niall. Come on Harry," I said and I locked my lips around his. What the hell had he taken? He could be a party animal, but not like this.
"Doing CPR. He's not breathing or anything. 15 Crescent Way..."

Everything blurred and minutes passed like seconds. Liam and I took turns giving Harry CPR until the paramedics arrived and they took over. I called for an uber and I managed to get a still-sobering-up Niall into it, along with Liam.

The ambulance was blue-lightning to the hospital, and Harry had still been without a pulse when the ambulance had left. I called Anne.
"Hello?" She asked, half-asleep.
"Anne, it's Louis. Harry's collapsed and he's on the way to hospital."
"What's happened?"
"We're not sure, but he hasn't got a pulse."
"The paramedic's are taking him to Kingston hospital, Liam and I did CPR on him for 15 minutes until the paramedics arrived. You need to get down there."
"I'm on my way. Thank you for letting me know."
"We'll see you soon," I said before I hung up.
"How was she?"
"Scared shitless. Harry's medically dead Liam."
"What the hell did he take?"
"I don't know," I said and we sat in the car terrified, apart from Niall who was drinking a 1.5 litre bottle of water.


We were sitting in the hospital waiting room. I watched the clock and I watched as the second hand moved over to 3:30am. Then, Anne came out of the doors and she was crying.
"Anne?" I asked gently. I knew that look, I knew that look far too well.
"He's..." Anne said and I took her into my arms. "They tried but..."
"Tell me he's not Anne..." Liam said and Anne nodded. "NO!" Liam screamed and I felt Niall put his hand onto my back.
"We both got really drunk at the party. I don't know what to say..." Niall said and I turned round.
"Liam. Can you take Niall outside?" I asked and Liam came over to us.
"Harry's dead. He's fucking..."
"I know. I know Liam," I told him calmly as I kept Anne in my grip. "Niall is still drunk, take him outside."
"Ok..." Liam said, and he nodded.
"Thank you."
"Come on Niall."
"This is a bad fucking time to be drunk."
"You have no idea what's going on do you?"
"I do. It just hasn't sunk in," Niall said as they left.

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