Niall ~ Seizure & Out of it

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"Niall," Someone said as Niall was lying on his side on the ground and both Liam and Louis were beside him.
"He's alright."
"He's ok."
"Hmn..." Niall said as he started to come round.
"Hey bud."
"Hi Niall."
"We're here," Liam said, and Niall lifted his hand up, allowing Liam to take hold of it. "I know."
"Hmn, hmn..."
"Is he out of it?"
"Yeah," Louis told Harry with a smile as he knelt beside them.
"Ok," Harry replied and he ran his hand through Niall's hair.
"Hmn," Niall moaned happily.
"Does that feel good Niall?"
"It's me Niall, yeah," Harry said before he kissed Niall's cheek.
"We need to get him back to the hotel," Louis said.
"We can get a car."
"Thank you," Louis said as he turned back to their sick bandmate.
"We're going to get you back to the hotel Niall. So you can have a sleep."
"Sleep..." Niall said before he had a small tremor. "Ahaargh..."
"Shhh, you're ok," Harry reassured him.


Carefully they walked a half awake Niall to a car, Liam and Louis got into the back.
"Where's Niall?" Harry asked as he looked back from the front seat.
"He's here," Liam said before he moved his shoulder and a very sleepy Niall fell against Louis.
"Woah, I've got him."
"He has to be adorable when he's unconscious doesn't he?"
"He does," Louis said before he kissed Niall's forehead.
"Hmn," Niall moaned.
"Oh, he's a little warm Liam," Louis said as he felt Niall's forehead.
"Is he? Oh yeah."
"Should we ask for a doctor to come and check him when we get to the hotel?"
"I think we should. Just to be on the safe side."
"Go to sleep Nialler," Louis said, and after a few minutes Niall started to snore gently as he rested against Louis. Louis smiled and ruffled his hand through Niall's hair.

The doctor finished taking Niall's temperature, and he was happy that he didn't have a fever. If he got worse overnight the boys were to give him a call back.
"Niall's asleep so let's head to bed as well boys."
"Ok. I'll stay with Niall tonight."
"Are you sure Harry?"
"Yeah. I want to make sure that he's ok."
"Ok," Louis said and the boys left Harry to get ready for bed and sneak in with Niall.


Morning came round and Niall woke up.
"Morning Niall. How are you feeling?"
"Still?" Harry asked as he moved a hair out of Niall's face.
"Yeah," Niall said and Harry felt his forehead. "You're still feeling warm. We had a doctor come and check you over yesterday."
"Did you? I can't... I don't remember."
"It's ok. You were very out of it."
"I love all you boys, because you look after me."
"Of course. We love you Niall," Harry said and he kissed Niall's cheek. "You are feeling quite warm," Harry said as he rechecked Niall's forehead. "Go back to sleep and I'll ask the doctor to come round again."
"Ok," Niall said, and he snuggled back under the covers. Harry kissed him before he went to get Liam and Louis.

"Hmn... hmn..." Niall moaned.
"Shhhh. He's getting worse," Liam said as he was holding a wet cloth to Niall's forehead.
"What else can we do?" Louis asked.
"I think we're getting close to calling an ambulance," Harry said, and a moment later Niall started to seize.
"He's seizing, call an ambulance Harry."
"I'm on it."
"I've got him. Don't hold him Liam."
"I'm not."


"When can we go home?"
"Soon," Liam said and Niall smiled.
"You're blurry."
"Do you want your glasses?"
"No. I want, I want to go home," Niall said before he started to cry, and all of the boy's hearts melted.
"You're ill Niall. But when your fever's better we'll go home to Stonehaugh ok?"
"Home," Louis said as he ran his hand through Niall's hair and Niall smiled.
"I can look after him for a while. You need to go to the interview," Louis told Liam and Harry as he sat on the bed beside Niall.
"Ok. We'll be back soon."
"See you soon Louis."
"Have fun boys."
"I want to go home," Niall told Louis grumpily.
"I know, but the doctor's have to make you better first."
"Can I go home with you?"

Niall slept, and two days later he could be discharged. The boys drove him home and they spent a week fishing, playing golf and laughing together.
"I'm really sorry about last week. I was vulnerable and not myself."
"It's alright Niall. You were suffering from a bad fever, and we know how to support you through seizures."
"I can barely remember any of it."
"You were out of it and adorable."
"Don't call me adorable Louis."
"You were Niall," Harry added.
"Thanks Harry."
"Oi. Harry can say it but I can't?" Louis asked him.
"Yeah," Niall said before he laughed.
"Come here."
"No!" Niall shouted before he ran and Louis chased him round the garden.
"We're the sensible ones Harry. The mum and dad."
"No we're not."
"Hey!" Liam shouted as Harry pushed him off his chair.
"You gotta catch me Liam!" Harry called as he ran off.

"You gotta catch me Liam!" Harry called as he ran off

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