Chapter 28 : Heavy clock

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" I understand your wounds have healed. Are you certain you can attend class without experiencing any pain?” Seokjin expressed worry. 

Taehyung smiled quietly since it was the third time Seokjin had asked. “Yes. It has been a week already.” 

Taehyung reassured that his wounds had indeed healed enough for him to attend classes without pain. Their car arrived at Taehyung's university shortly after. Seokjin bid a goodbye to him.

With a heavy heart, he walked through the university corridor, his steps slow and his thoughts weighed down by melancholy. Thoughts of Jungkook's absence loomed large, and the memory of their last encounter after the terrible incident.

“Why is he not back yet?” Taehyung whispered to himself. He longed to see Jungkook. And his absence for days, added to his sense of gloom.

He yearns to ensure his safety. It has been a week since he last laid eyes on Jungkook. All he desires is to stare at him for hours on end, to enfold the mafia in his embrace.

 Just as his thoughts were becoming consumed by Jungkook, someone suddenly bumped into him. Before he could stumble backward, a strong hand grabbed his waist, preventing him from falling. Books spilled onto the floor in the commotion.

Taehyung tightly closed his eyes, bracing himself to collapse onto the floor, but nothing happened. When he reluctantly opened his eyes, he was met with the gaze of a stranger.

Taehyung tried to stand up, but the guy in front of him seemed lost, lost in Taehyung. Taehyung is quietly struggling. Finally gaining senses, the guy pulled him up to his feet.

Taehyung didn't look at the guy for once as he silently knelt, and began to gather his scattered books and notebook. 

"I'm so sorry. I was so ignorant," the guy said apologetically as he stooped to retrieve his basketball, and then helped Taehyung gather his belongings.

“ Here.” Taehyung looked up as he saw the guy holding books in front of him. After grabbing the books, he got up, and the man introduced himself before he could move on.

“I'm Kim Jungwoo.”

Taehyung uttered nothing as he walked past him. Jungwoo stared at him intently.

“Hey.” Just as Jungwoo was about to go after Taehyung, his friends caught up with him.

"Where are you lost, dude?" one of them asked, giving Jungwoo a playful slap on the back.

"Who is he?" Jungwoo asked, looking at Taehyung's back. Everyone gave an expression of not knowing.

“ I know him,” At last, one of his friends replied. “ He's Kim Taehyung, a lot of students are infatuated with him.” 

“Hmm,” Jungwoo murmured, intrigued."How have I never noticed him before?”

"You seldom attend class. You do not appear until you have a match. What made you inquire about him right away? 

“Nothing. You should not have made me run. Too eager to watch me play. I am winning today." Jungwoo responded.

"Well, why not? We have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to make a wealthy father's son run." As they made their way outdoors, they laughed together.

Taehyung took his window seat as he looked out of it. Soon, his eyes caught sight of Jungwoo, who was playing basketball. Taehyung averted his gaze. The professor walked into the room.


The jet descended towards the runway gracefully.  With a gentle thud, the wheels made contact with the tarmac, and the jet smoothly rolled along the runway, gradually decelerating. Soon it came to a halt.

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