Chapter 19: Fated Battle Between Sisters

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Part 3: The Enerbender vs Dark Abyss

News about Mongolia spread quickly like wildfire. People continued to fear Dark Abyss and people who didn’t before now did. There was panic especially in parts of Northern China. No one dared enter the former land that was Mongolia

On the island where our heroines remained away from the rest of society, Sydney went to go check in on Mila, who had just finished her training. She saw that a lot of trees the size of mountains were knocked to the ground. She spotted at least twelve of them to the ground

“So Mila you finally got that powerup you’ve been looking for?” Sydney asks

Mila jumped and landed right in front of her, then looked with a smile on her face, “You bet I did”

“That’s good. I assume you got the news. Whatever hope Mongolia had at surviving as a country is now gone. So…do we leave now?”

Mila’s smile then became a frown, “Yes”

“I want to talk to you about something I might find concerning while we walk”

Mila and Sydney started walking side by side with each other. The former then spoke up, “So, what is it?”

“My concern about your fight with Dark Abyss is that Rockterra will make a move while you two are fighting. That may have been her intention” Sydney explains

“Is that why Mongolia became a barren desert?”

“That’s what I’d assume. Anyways, I will hold them off. I’m unfortunately not strong enough to defeat any of the sins. However I can hold them off”

“Thank you” The two continued to walk, and then Mila stopped walking. Sydney stopped momentarily after. Then the former embraced the latter tightly

“Mila” Sydney says

“I don’t know how this will end. I just want to tell you…I’m grateful you were always here”

“I don’t plan on dying, and neither should you. Come back alive. We still have a world to save” Sydney says. The two let go of their embrace

“I will come back…with Mariana”

Mila and Sydney then went their separate ways. The former went north to the former country of Mongolia. Sydney went northeast to hopefully find where the Deadly Sin Seven were located

Two hours later, Mila arrived at the former country of Mongolia. She looked around and saw nothing but blowing sand and dust. There was no sign of any life, and the skies were dark and gray. All that remained was sand, dust, and worn out buildings. The city used to be Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. Mila did not hear a single noise other than the blowing dust

Then a voice spoke, “So you arrived,” as the dust blew, there stood Dark Abyss, formerly Mariana Mana

Mila looked at her as the two had a standoff about fifteen feet apart. “Mariana,” she says to her sister

“I am no longer Mariana, I am Dark Abyss. I do not understand why you chose to come here. Your former Kaze friend perished…and fell into the abyss”

“You killed her. I no longer recognize you”

“I was always like this. Nothing about me has changed, I am the same person I always was. The only difference is that I took action, unlike you”

“Action? You murdered an entire country because you were power hungry”

“China’s next”

“You’re sick”

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