Chapter 33: Sodom and Gomorrah

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Part 4: Gods of the Middle East

In the year 2070 BC, there were the original cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. They were destroyed by brimstone and fire for their wickedness by God Himself.

The prophet Lot and his family escaped from the cities and was told to never to look back. However, his wife did not listen and turned into a pillar of salt

It is now the 2173 AD, over four millenia later. The revived cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were soon to be destroyed not by fire and brimstone, but by energy bending by the two energy benders, Mila and Falconeyes

Falconeyes entered the city of Gomorrah and was immediately shot at by the citizens. He was able to dodge every single one from every angle, then the citizens were met with a kick to either the chest, neck, or head. The new Energy Bender did not waste time taking down everyone in the city. It seemed everyone who lived in Gomorrah was a follower of Rockterra

Falconeyes began to go around and take down everyone that was attacking him. Gunshots were fired from all over but he ultimately never got to properly used his energy bending due to not needing to use his full extent

The gunshots stopped as most of the regular grunts were taken down. Falconeyes saw two SJ Agents in front of him, they seemed to both be SJ1 Agents similar to SJ113548

“Hey. Isn’t that?” The first SJ1 Agent asks

“Yeah. It’s Falconeyes, the leader of the Falconeyes gang” The second SJ1 Agent says

Falconeyes made a proper fighting stance. “Yeah. That’s me, what of it?”

“It’s surprising you took out all of those soldiers in such a short amount of time. Unfortunately your luck has ru-”

The two SJ Agents were met by a hand each in the face. Falconeyes smashed their heads together and coated his fists and legs with energy. He quickly gave the two a hard kick sending them flying into several buildings

“I don’t have time for this nonsense” Falconeyes says. He noticed several SJ Agents coming at him.

He used his energy coating to move faster and hit harder. The SJ Agents were getting defeated one by one as they couldn’t react to any of Falconeyes’ attacks. The latter then began to use his energy eyes to destroy the buildings. Nobody in Gomorrah could stop Falconeyes as he laid waste to it.

Meanwhile in Sodom, Mila took a much different approach. She focused her energy and quickly took down all the soldiers with a compressed energy laser from her finger. This way, she wasn’t killing anybody in the city

Nobody was able to shoot at her since Mila was attacking before they could pull the trigger. The SJ Agents that were stationed in the city also couldn’t see her coming. While Sodom did not burn like Gomorrah, the city was in complete ruin from Mila’s assault

Mila began heading towards the castle. Rockterra watched as she saw her adversary running around the city taking down everyone in it.

“Impressive. She’s killed absolutely nobody” Rockterra says. She then sees Mila jump into the room where she was located in

“THERE YOU ARE YOU BITCH!” Mila shouts. She charges at Rockterra and punches her out of the room and onto the ground behind the castle from twenty stories high. She jumped down standing on her own two feet

Rockterra gets up rubbing her left cheek, there was a noticeable bruise. She quickly got up and faced her opponent

“What a feeling…pain” Rockterra says

“This isn’t going to be like back in Washington DC” Mila says to her in an angry tone

“Oh. It definitely isn’t going to be” Rockterra says with a wicked smile

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