Breath of life and light energy

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Roxy is attacked by snakes and dies. She's in a dark realm within her mind, she feels dark energy all over the planet.  She wants to leave this world and go on in the afterlife and almost does but, she stops herself.  She remembers what Bloom says, saying she could become a powerful fairy, and she doesn't want her to feel like she's being held back.  She's in a lot of pain.  However the ethereal light yellow fairy speaks to her, saying not to give up.

"I know you're on the verge of death but, you mustn't give in if you die and leave this place you will fail your mission."

"How do I get back up I died!"

"Maybe you did but the Sophix can resurrect you but you only, and make you very stronger than before, however, you may lose some of your memory but after a year all of your memories will return to you.  So fight, you got it in you."

Roxy is too discouraged to fight and doesn't want to.

"I can't..."

She starts crying thinking she failed already.  The fairy tries to cheer her up, she lean closers to touch her shoulder.

"Don't give up you have the power you have not failed us, remember why you're here.  Everyone is expecting you to come back so become stronger not just for yourself, but for everybody who cares about you.  Even the Winx!"

Her voice echoes and she disappears into thin air, Roxy tries touching her back by reaching the fairy but can't it's too late.  She vanished into sand and pixie dust. 

"She continues crying bawling her eyes out but, she thinks about everyone.  She thinks about Arthur.  She wipes her tears because of Arthur and how much she cares about him.  She refuses to die and because of her love for everyone and Arthur but mostly Arthur of all.  She becomes stronger she stands up.

"I refuse to give up."

She sees a rainbow aura glowing around her.  She then feels the power radiating through, and inside her.  She then begins to use her Sophix. 


Roxy slowly gets up and comes back to life but starts floating from the ground inside the tree. 

"What, what's happening?!"

She doesn't understand but she starts transforming into Sophix her outfit changes into a stocking legging no strap see through with green heels, a bra like crop top with a orange flower in the middle, and a light green Pearl like necklace holder for her green leaves crop top, short green triangular cami soul strap covered with leaves in the from and a pink skirt with pink big pins on the side holding it together.  Her arms also receive green vine stockings with pink pins to hold them.  Her hair changes into pigtails magically, with green big pins holding them together.  She then blows air, releasing green and purple butterflies, she then spins and twirls, and does an aerial and bends down squatting on her knees.  Her butterflies fly on her back forming her new wings which look similar to her old ones but more rounded and a little smaller not much.  She then stands up to finish her transformation.  She waves her arms down and balls her hand into her fist to fully finish the transformation. 

The tree explodes, causing the tribe men to fall back.  Due to the impact of the explosion and the wood crushing onto them as logs fall back on them too.  The snake tries to attack by reaching to her but can't.  She then flies up to the sky, releasing a light energy spell and uses her convergence over the whole planet to rid of any dark shadow spells anyone was hypnotized by, and put a permanent barrier for anyone who posses dark magic not to enter Amazonia. 


Roxy uses her powerful spell to make everyone reunite with one another and stop fighting.  She starts healing herself from her cuts and bite marks, eradicating all of the poison and others.  A rainbow appears.  The animals stop fighting and coming for her.  The tribal leaders and pupils stop fighting and lower their weapons, sadly she couldn't revive the tribe men who died but, nobody should be able to come and attack them ever again.  This spell kicks anyone out who has dark magic in them.  She falls on the ground and faints. 

10 minutes later she wakes up, she feels a lot better and more powerful than before.  The snakes come to her and lick her, thanking her.  She laughs.  The eagle who attacked her comes to her, and offers her a ride in her original human form.  She accepts and the eagle takes her to the waterfall where the bud of nature is in.  She sees the tribe men are there.  They apologize for attacking her, and thank her.

"I'm so sorry we attacked you it's like our bodies had no control and our minds oh god..."

"Don't worry about it.  None of this is your fault, I am sorry for your loss though.  I heard some of your men died from being under the spell I wish I could revive them but I can't."

"Thank you but it's okay, it was going to happen eventually."

"Yes I wish there was more I could do but, my spell put a protective barrier around this whole island/dimension; so nobody can ever evade it ever evade and raid/ attack from you guys ever again."

They bow to her.

"We are highly grateful, and indebted to you." 

"I'm just glad more people aren't dead because of this do you remember how many days has it been since this first happened?"

"I believe it was 10 days ago give or take."


The tribe men bow and leave.  They bury 3 dead tribal men who died because of this, leaving 9 left on the island.

The three ethereal fairies appear thanking her for her courage contributing to this mission and her gratitude for completing the mission.  They tell her that she can't obtain the gem of love, which is lovix because she's a user of the dark circle sadly.  Anyone who was possessed by the dark circle can't obtain lovix.  They tell her that lovix protect her from the cold.  Bloom, Aisha, Flora, Techna, Musa, and Stella obtained it because they were never possessed by the dark circle.  However, bloom used it to go to Tir Na Nog.  With the others.  They do tell her this isn't the end, and she can obtain other fairy forms much and far more powerful than Lovix.  Roxy replies

"It's okay I understand I'm just glad I was able to complete my mission rescuing you guys."

They then transport her back into Earth, into Gardenia.  She remembers everyone except her dad sadly, but it will take her a year to fully remember her.

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