Alfea return

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Everyone welcomes Roxy back to Alfea. She meets all of the Winx again. She talks to all of them.

"It's so good to see you Roxy!"
Musa says

"So much has changed ever since you left your presence here was definitely missed girl!"

"Haha some people thought I was you after you left we look so much alike. Almost like sisters, no we are sisters no matter what."

They all laugh and hug.

Roxy gets called with the Winx to Alfeas office and tells them that the Winx want them to train Roxy to control her powers better. She wants her meditate and restore her magic without transforming. With all of them, spar with her one by one. They all agree to it. The next day.

Roxy starts her training and meditates outside on the grass. She feels a deeper connection with her magic. After this, she then begins to fight the girls, successfully defeating all of them using all of her fairy forms except, Sophix, and Glamourix. Those aren't necessary for combat. She then flies through magical fire circles as an obstacle course. At night time in the girls older room, since they're teachers now.

"You did great!"
Layla says.

"Yeah you definitely showed us I wasn't expecting you to have all of those forms, you are definitely recognized as one of us!"
Stella says

"Yeah even my sound waves weren't enough which is one of my most powerful spells"

"Thank you everyone I'm just glad to be here"

"We should get some rest tonight you can stay at Alfea tomorrow if you'd like, but after that we gotta head back."

"Right it was great catching up with you guys I missed you all so much, by the way where are all the pets and pixies?"
Roxy ask all of them

"They're sleeping the whole day they came back from a very long mission to protect their village from the Trix sadly, we will have to be prepared in case they come back here again."

"Oh my gosh that's horrible I'm glad they're okay and safe though"

"Yeah for now. I'm glad you're back us nature and animal fairies gotta have our backs and stick to together night!"

"Of course you and I are similar! Sleep well Flora."

The next day they wake up. Bloom teaches a class on how to earn enchanitx, Stella goes out shopping but ends up earning Glamourix by helping another girl with her fashion and the abuse within her friends, Musa is singing for Jason in Gardenia, Layla/Aisha visits the spot where Nabu sacrificed himself for the others. Crying and grieving him but still has faith he will come back on his own. It's just Bloom and Roxy left on Alfea.

Roxy hangs out with the pixies comforting them. Along with Kiko and the pets. Bloom knocks on the door.

"Come in!"
Roxy says

"Hey just wanted to see if you're up and ready to hang out outside."
Bloom asks Roxy

"Yeah okay let's go"

Roxy leaves and locks the door so that way the pixies and pets can't get out. They sit and talk outside for awhile and Roxy ask about the guys from red fountain?

"They're all busy at Red Fountain sadly, and Sky went to return his King duties on the kingdom of Eraklyon."

"Aw I was hoping to see them."

"Me too we will soon again though."

They both smile as they throw a tennis ball across each other playing with it while sitting down. However Roxy uses her magic and sense something is wrong.  It's the Trix trying to break into Alfea.

Roxy uses her visions and sees it's stormy breaking the barrier that's put in place.  Roxy warns Bloom.  Bloom tells Roxy to go get the others, and Bloom will hold them off as she gets backup.  Roxy nods and gets all 5 other fairies.  Bloom stands up as the barrier is broken, and she's getting ready to transform. 

Roxy being the most powerful Earth fairy Where stories live. Discover now