Glamourix time to earn a fashion sense

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Roxy has returned from Amazonia and it almost cost her life.  However, she's back on Earth, and Gardenia.  Sadly she doesn't remember her dad yet but eventually she will.  She knocks on the door to visit Bloom at Love and Pets.

"Hey come in!"

Bloom opens the door and welcomes her in.  They both hug as they're happy to see each other.

"How're you?"

Bloom asks Roxy.

"I'm good great actually I have great news!"

"Uh huh I'm listening"

"I got Sophix but, I wasn't able to get Lovix though sadly.  Apparently after you guys left, the wizards came back and hypnotized everyone using a dark shadow spell.  I don't remember everything but, apparently I died.  However, I came back to life thanks to the ethereal fairies and used my Sophix powers."

"Wow I'm so happy for you!  Why didn't you tell me though?  We could've helped you to where you didn't die though.  I'm sorry you couldn't obtain Lovix though but Lovix is not the end of your fairy journey."

"I know but I did that on purpose plus, they said only an earth fairy can do this the last one on earth.  So they asked me.  At first I did but I was instructed not too, so I left that next morning.  They said I couldn't obtain Lovix because they knew I was possessed by Nebula.  However I still have a month off so, I figured maybe we can go shopping to celebrate?"

"Definitely let's not tell Stella though."

They both laugh

They go shopping in the mall to pick out some new clothes, and shoes Bloom decides to pay for everything for her to celebrate her new powers.  However while they're shopping they see a girl starting through the window as she likes those new shoes.  She has brown hair and a black hoodie, white skin, and has black jogging pants on, with black and white sketcher shoes.

"Mom can I have it?"

Her mom gets angry at her and pulls her away forcibly away and tells her.

"You're an ungrateful little brat!  What makes you think you're wearing that?!  Everything we bought you don't you like it."

Roxy sees abnormal behavior outside the shop and follows the two, she witnesses the mom slapping her daughter.  The child starts crying and storms off.  This infuriates Roxy she goes to confront the mom about her toxic behavior.

"What a useless child"

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Who are you?"

"Nevermind that what makes you think it's okay to treat someone so horribly like that she's only a child?  Did you tell her as a kid that she won't look good in anything that's glamorous or pretty?"

"Yeah what if I did?!"

Roxy's hair starts magically floating and is tempted to transform but Bloom gets behind her and holds her hand.  She stops her from transforming Bloom shakes her head no.  Roxy sighs, she lets go of her hand slowly.  Roxy walks away following the child who ran away crying, to try and comfort her.  She has a hard time finding her at first.  She uses her magic to sense her, she finds her, crying against the ladies restroom stall, sitting on the ground, knees bent head down crying against the wall.  She walks up to her peacefully.  The girl yells and shouts at her.




"I'm sorry I thought you were my mom....  Who are you?"

Roxy being the most powerful Earth fairy Where stories live. Discover now