chapter 4

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Betrayal in the Underworld

Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he stared at the surveillance footage

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Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he stared at the surveillance footage. One of his own employees, a trusted member of his team, had been secretly meeting with his rival mafia's leader, Kim Dongmin.

 One of his own employees, a trusted member of his team, had been secretly meeting with his rival mafia's leader, Kim Dongmin

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The betrayal stung. Jungkook had trusted this employee, had given him access to sensitive information. And this was how he repaid that trust?

He summoned his team, his voice cold and detached. "I want you to find out what information he leaked and how much damage it's done. And then, I want you to bring him to me."

His team nodded, their faces set with determination. They knew better than to fail Jungkook in a matter like this.

The employee, Lee Jaehee, was caught and brought before Jungkook. His eyes trembled as he begged for mercy.

 His eyes trembled as he begged for mercy

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(I took pic randomly)

"Please, Jungkook-ssi, I didn't mean to betray you. I was in debt and Kim Dongmin offered me a way out..."

Jungkook's expression remained unyielding. "You should have come to me. I would have helped you. Instead, you chose to betray me. And now, you'll pay the price."

The punishment was brutal, a painful reminder to anyone who dared to cross Jungkook. His message was clear: loyalty was paramount, and betrayal would not be tolerated.

As Lee Jaehee screamed in agony, Jungkook's phone buzzed with a message from Kim Dongmin. "You may have won this small battle, Jungkook, but the war is far from over."

Jungkook smiled, his eyes glinting with determination. Bring it on, he thought. I'm ready for you.

The Painful Past

Jungkook's eyes froze as he read the message from Kim Dongmin, the son of the man who had destroyed his family. Memories he had long suppressed came flooding back, the pain and anger still raw.

He remembered the sound of gunfire, the screams of his parents, and the terrified gaze of his little sister, Hana. She was only 4 years old, her bright smile and innocent eyes forever etched in his mind.

Jungkook had been hiding in a closet, his small body trembling with fear. He had watched through the crack in the door as Kim Dowoon and his men stormed into their home, their guns blazing. His parents had tried to shield Hana, but they were no match for the ruthless gangsters.

The memory of that fateful night still haunted Jungkook. He could smell the blood, feel the terror, and taste the helplessness. His family had been taken from him in the most brutal way possible, leaving him alone and adrift.

But Jungkook had refused to be consumed by his grief. He had channeled his pain into a burning need for revenge, building a criminal empire to exact justice on those who had wronged him.

Kim Dowoon had never found him, never knew that the son he had spared that day had grown into a powerful mafia kingpin, driven by a burning need for vengeance

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Kim Dowoon had never found him, never knew that the son he had spared that day had grown into a powerful mafia kingpin, driven by a burning need for vengeance. But now, his son Kim Dongmin had taken up the mantle, taunting Jungkook with a declaration of war.

Jungkook's gaze hardened as he gazed at the photo of his family, his heart heavy with grief. He would never forget, never forgive. Kim Dongmin's message was a declaration of war, and Jungkook was ready to strike back with a fury that would shake the underworld.

He summoned his team, his voice cold and detached. "It's time to take down Kim Dongmin and his father's empire. We will show them no mercy, no quarter. We will make them pay for what they took from me."

His team nodded, their faces set with determination. They knew better than to fail Jungkook in a matter like this. The war between Jungkook and Kim Dongmin had begun, and only one could emerge victorious.


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Hope you all love this chapter🥺

Lumina love you all❤

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