chapter 42

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Joyful News All Around

The baby shower had been a wonderful celebration, and now, Jisoo had some exciting news to share. "Guys, I just got the results from my ultrasound, and I'm having a baby girl!" she exclaimed, beaming with joy.

The room erupted in cheers and congratulations, with everyone thrilled for Jisoo. Taehyung and Jungkook hugged her tight, grinning from ear to ear. "We're so happy for you, Jisoo!" Taehyung said, his eyes shining with excitement.

But that wasn't the only surprise of the day. Namjoon and Seokjin had some news of their own to share. "We're having a baby too!" Namjoon announced, his face beaming with joy. "We're using a surrogate, and we just got the news that the lady is one week pregnant!"

The room erupted in cheers and congratulations once again, with everyone thrilled for Namjoon and Seokjin. "That's amazing news!" Jungkook exclaimed, hugging them both tight. "We're so happy for you guys!"

Rose's Big Introduction

Rose had been hinting at a special someone in her life, and finally, the day had come when she would introduce him to her friends. She gathered everyone in the living room, a big smile on her face.

 She gathered everyone in the living room, a big smile on her face

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"Everyone, I want you to meet someone special," she said, her eyes shining with excitement

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"Everyone, I want you to meet someone special," she said, her eyes shining with excitement. "This is Kim Minyung, my boyfriend."

Minyung, a handsome young man with a charming smile, waved at everyone. "Hi, nice to meet you all," he said, his voice confident and friendly.

The room erupted in congratulations and cheers, with everyone thrilled for Rose. Lisa and Taehyung were the first to hug her, beaming with joy.

"We're so happy for you, Rose!" Lisa exclaimed. "You deserve all the happiness in the world!"

Taehyung nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you two look amazing together. We need to celebrate!"

Jisoo and Jennie, who had been watching with big smiles, stepped forward. "Minyung, we need to talk to you for a minute," Jisoo said, her eyes serious.

Minyung looked at Rose, who nodded encouragingly. "It's okay, I know what they're going to say," she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Jisoo and Jennie pulled Minyung aside, their faces stern. "Listen, Minyung, we know you're a great guy and all, but we need to warn you - Rose is like a sister to us," Jisoo said, her voice firm.

"Yeah, we've known her for years, and we've been through thick and thin together," Jennie added, her eyes narrowing. "So, we're warning you - take care of her, or answer to us."

Minyung grinned, his eyes shining with amusement. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of her," he said, his voice confident. "I promise to love and cherish her, and make her happy for the rest of her life."

Jisoo and Jennie looked at each other, then back at Minyung. "Alright, we trust you," Jisoo said, her face softening. "But remember, we're always here for Rose, no matter what."

Minyung nodded, his eyes serious. "I understand, and I appreciate it. I'll make sure to take good care of her."

The group hugged, and the tension was broken. The party planning began, with Lisa and Taehyung taking charge of the music and decorations. It was going to be a night that Rose and Minyung would never forget, a night that would mark the beginning of their new journey together.

As they all celebrated and congratulated Rose and Minyung, the atmosphere was filled with joy and love. It was a moment of pure happiness, a moment that they would cherish forever.

And so, the party planning began, with everyone pitching in to make it a night to remember. There was food, drinks, music, and dancing - everything that would make the night special.

Rose and Minyung were the center of attention, their love shining bright for everyone to see. They danced and laughed together, their eyes locked on each other.

Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, and Taehyung watched them with big smiles, happy to see their friend so happy. They knew that Rose and Minyung were meant to be, and they were thrilled to be a part of their journey.

As the night wore on, the party only got better. There were games and prizes, and everyone had a blast. It was a night that none of them would ever forget, a night that would go down in history as one of the best parties ever.

And at the center of it all were Rose and Minyung, their love shining bright for everyone to see. They were the stars of the show, the king and queen of the night.

As the party finally came to an end, Rose and Minyung hugged each other tight, their eyes shining with happiness. "That was the best night of my life," Rose said, her voice filled with emotion.

Minyung grinned, his eyes shining with love. "Mine too," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I'm so glad we're on this journey together."

Rose smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Me too," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "Who knows what the future holds for us?"

Minyung shrugged, his eyes shining with amusement. "I don't know, but I'm excited to find out."

And with that, they sealed their love with a kiss, as their friends cheered and applauded around them. It was a moment of pure happiness, a moment that they would cherish forever.

The four of them hugged each other tight, grinning from ear to ear. They were all going to be parents, and they couldn't wait to meet their little ones. It was a moment of pure joy, a moment that they would cherish forever.

As they pulled back, Jisoo smiled at them all. "I can't believe we're all going to be parents at the same time," she said, her eyes shining with excitement. "It's going to be an amazing journey, and I'm so glad we get to share it with each other."

"Me too," Namjoon said, his voice filled with emotion. "We're going to be the best parents ever, and our kids are going to be the best of friends."

"That's the plan," Seokjin added, grinning. "We're going to raise our kids together, and they're going to be one big happy family."

The four of them smiled at each other, their hearts full of joy and love. They knew that this was just the beginning of an amazing journey, and they couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.


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Hope you all love this chapter ✌🏻

Lumina love you all❤

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