chapter 11

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Daily Visits

It had been a week since Jungkook started visiting the cafe daily, and he still couldn't explain why he was drawn to this place. But Namjoon's words echoed in his mind - maybe this beautiful boy, Taehyung, was his medicine.

 But Namjoon's words echoed in his mind - maybe this beautiful boy, Taehyung, was his medicine

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Jungkook knew only two things about Taehyung - his name and his age, 18. He was impressed by the boy's innocence and cuteness, his smile and way of talking. But Taehyung was struggling to ask Jungkook a question, afraid to reveal his suspicions.

Meanwhile, Jungkook's members were curious about Taehyung and offered to dig up more information about him. "It's a piece of cake for us," they said. But Jungkook refused, wanting to learn everything about Taehyung from the boy himself.

As the days went by, Jungkook and Taehyung's interactions became more comfortable, But Taehyung's question remained unasked, and Jungkook's curiosity remained unsatisfied.

As the days went by, Jungkook and Taehyung's interactions became more comfortable, But Taehyung's question remained unasked, and Jungkook's curiosity remained unsatisfied

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Jungkook's daily visits to the cafe became a routine, his heart racing with anticipation every time he saw Taehyung. He couldn't explain why, but being around the young barista made him feel alive, like a spark had been ignited within him.

As he watched Taehyung expertly craft coffee drinks, Jungkook found himself mesmerized by the boy's smile, his laughter, and his bright eyes. He felt like a teenager again, nervous and giddy, unsure of how to approach the object of his affections.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had a different perspective on Jungkook. He thought the older man was "creepy" and "intense," always lurking in the shadows, his face hidden behind a mask. But despite his initial reservations, Taehyung found himself looking forward to Jungkook's daily visits, their banter and conversations becoming a highlight of his day.

One day, as Jungkook waited for his coffee, Taehyung teased him, "You know, you're like a superhero, always hiding your face. What's your superpower, anyway?"

Jungkook's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with responses. But instead of answering, he simply smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Taehyung's thoughts were filled with wonder. "Wow, he's so serious all the time. I bet he's hiding a secret identity. Maybe he's a vampire or something!"

As the days went by, Jungkook's feelings for Taehyung only grew stronger, his desire to reveal his true identity and feelings increasing with each passing moment. But he was afraid, unsure of how Taehyung would react.

Little did he know, Taehyung was harboring secrets of his own, his thoughts filled with wonder and curiosity about the mysterious stranger who had captured his heart.

Their game of cat and mouse continued, each day bringing them closer to the truth, and to each other. But for now, they were content to play out their roles, Jungkook as the brooding hero, and Taehyung as the innocent ingenue.

The Question

Taehyung's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he asked, "Hey, mister, can I ask you something?"

Taehyung's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he asked, "Hey, mister, can I ask you something?"

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Jungkook's expression remained emotionless, his voice low and husky. "What is it?"

Taehyung's voice was barely above a whisper. "Are you a vampire or something?"

Jungkook's eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze piercing through Taehyung's innocent facade. He couldn't reveal his true identity, not yet. Instead, he replied, "I'm just a businessman, that's all."

Taehyung's eyes widened, impressed

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Taehyung's eyes widened, impressed. "Wow, you're so mysterious! I don't even know your name."

Jungkook's face remained impassive, his eyes never leaving Taehyung's face. He couldn't reveal his name, not to someone who didn't know his true identity. He was the mafia king, after all, and his reputation preceded him.

Taehyung's thoughts raced with possibilities. "Maybe he's a secret agent or a billionaire. Or maybe he's just a really private person."

Jungkook's gaze never wavered, his expression unchanging. He was a master of control, his emotions hidden behind a mask of ice.

Taehyung's curiosity got the better of him. "Well, if I can't know your name, then what should I call you?"

Jungkook's response was brief, his voice firm. "Call me JK."

Taehyung's eyes lit up, a smile spreading across his face. "Okay, JK it is then!"

Jungkook's expression remained unchanged, but a small spark of pleasure ignited within him. No one had ever been so eager to please him before.

As they parted ways, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder, his mind whirling with questions. And Jungkook, well, he was just happy to have maintained his composure, his secrets safe behind his emotionless facade.

But little did they know, their lives were about to become even more entwined, their secrets and identities threatening to surface in ways they never imagined. And when they did, only one thing was certain - nothing would ever be the same again.


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Hope you all love this chapter ✌🏻

Lumina love you all ❤

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