IX | day one - buttercups

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IX | day one - buttercups 

Meera woke up the next day with a strange dream lingering in her mind. She did not quite remember the dream, but she definitely remembered being happy and dizzy about it. It was weird with the way the dream she had made her smile when she woke up in the morning.

Why was she smiling on a Monday morning?

It was 5 am, almost half of the city was sleeping but Meera was awake and happy about it.

Silly dream.

She freshened up, said her prayers and readied her bag while draping the cotton salwar on her self. She pinned her crisp ironed dupatta and applied minimal make-up, while smiling at her reflection.

the moon may have a competitor

That broke Meera's trance and she remembered all about last night and the intruder who vowed to pursue her. She quickly looked outside her window, but it was safely shut and had no signs of a badtameez raeeszaada.

Six days to woe her? Pffft. What did he think of himself?

Meera scoffed, applying the little bindi on her forehead and pinning her hair with a butterfly clip. She did not particularly hate her coarse hair, but she was not in love with it either. Although, she was thankful she had hair than none at all.

It was the little things, Meera had learnt from counselling. The little things that make you happy and want to live.

Her little apartment. Her best friend and her little daughter. Her long hair. Her teacher's job.

Little things.

She wore her bangles on her wrist where bruises once made home. She twirled around in her sandals, on her feet that were once tied to stop her from escaping. She applied the scent which was a gift she had bought for herself from her first salary and never stopped using it since then. A scent she was afraid she'd never be able to smell again.

It was Monday, and Meera Rai was happy on a Monday.


Because she got to live it. She got another Monday to live.

By the time it was 6 and the skies had turn a lighter shade of blue, Meera got hold of her tote bag - which her kids had gifted her on her birthday last year and stepped out of the house.

Only to be surprised by the pretty flower arrangement on her doorstep.

There were tons of bouquets, almost covering the floor. Flowers that ranged from roses, to tulips, to orchids and rare flowers such as lotuses and blue poppies. The color range was insane with so many happy flowers looking at her in delight.

A smile etched on Meera's face.

Surely they were not for her? It was not her birthday, and even if it was, no one would ever do something like this.

But they were all facing her door, and each of them had a note attached.

Maybe they were delivered to the wrong room?

Meera plucked a note from the nearest flower and was surprised to see her name written on it.

Not even her name, rather a nickname - a stupid nickname. She picked all of the notes that seemed to have few words scribbled on them and then placed them in a line.

My Ra,

don't be startled by the array of flowers, I just wanna show them there is someone more beautiful than them.

yours to-be husband,

The smile on Meera's face vanished and she looked around. There was no sign of anyone, and she sighed watching the pretty flowers look at her in adornment. She did not want to accept them considering they were all a part of plan to woo her but she also did not want to leave them like this.

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