Alastor and yn make up

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Angle holding Thomas
Angle: what was that about
Husk: who knowes
Charlie: ya Alastor never acts that way.
Vaggie: does anyone even know what he is thinking but I hope Yn comes back in one piece.
Lucifer walked down stairs muming a tune
Everyone looks at him as he walks in and has a seat on the couch.
Charlie: um dad why are you in a good mood.
Lucifer: yes and no
Everyone: why yes and no
Lucifer looks up and sighs
Lucifer: well I offered Yn to come live with me..
Everyone: what you know Yn is will Alastor why would you do that.
Lucifer: I had feelings for Yn when I first meet them..
Everyone silent
Lucifer: but I seen that Yn likes Alastor so I stayed as Yn friend.
Everyone still silent
Lucifer: and I also noticed that Alastor was starting to have second thought on being a father and being with Yn so I gave him a little push to see if he wanted to be with Yn and Thomas.
Lucifer walkes over and takes Thomas from angle and holds him.
Lucifer: If Alastor does not get his head straight he was see what he will miss if he choose to leave but I'm shore my little push just set him straight( smiles)
Back to Alastor and Yn
Yn: ( what is with Al and why are we here) umm Al is there something wrong... mmmm.
Alastor kisses Yn again to shut Yn up and they slowly walk back words till Yn feels something soft touch the back of there legs and they are pushed back worded on a bed.
Yn: Al slow down( as Yn backs up on the bed) I don't know what's going on with you but we can figure it out.
Alastor silent reaches up to his bowl tie and has a hungry look in his eye.
Alastor: (looks at Yn) there is nothing wrong with me.( crawling on the bed on top of Yn)
Alastor leans down and starts to kiss Yn face and workes his way down Yn neck.
Warning mature
Yn let's out a moun as Alastor moves down Yn neck as he kisses Yn.
Yn: ( pulls Alastor back) Al as much as I like this we really need to mmmm...
Alastor kisses Yn soft spot in there neck.
Alastor: we can talk after I'm done with you.
Yn blush's
Alastor slowly starts to take Yn shirt off then workes his way to Yn shorts ( Yn is still blushing)
Alastor looks down at Yn.
Alastor: matching set I like it red is my favorite color.(leans down and starts kissing Yn neck down to there collarbone between there chest to there stomach and stops just above there underwear and looks at Yn with his sign ocher smile.
Yn is a blushing messy this point and looks down at Alastor and says.
Yn: how come I'm in my underwear and you still have your clothes on it's not fair.
Alastor:(smiles) you want them off you want me in my underwear like you ok then.
(Alastor starts to go for his jacket first then starts to unbutton his shirt and works his way to his belt when he stops).( and looks at Yn then grabs there face making Yn looks at him)
Alastor:( leans in) you are not to leave me ever do you understand.
Yn looks at Alastor with a confidences face.
Yn: what I don't understand?
Yn face get pulled to Alastor
Alastor: you heard me you are not to leave me you and Thomas. Expectedly with Luciferyou know how much I dis like him and Lucifer trying to take away what is mine it will not happen.
Yn: looks at Alastor what are you talking about me an Lucifer we are just friends and you are the father of my child. And why are you being it up now is that why you are doing all this just to get back a Lucifer if that is what this is you can just.... mmmmm.
Alastor puts his hand down Yn underwear and puts his fingers inside Yn.
Yn: ( breathes harder) Al Al Alastor stop what are you doing we where
Alastor moves his fingers fast grabs you by the hair and pulls them in to a heated kiss.
Yn: al please stop.. al please your moving to fast I'm going to ahh ahhh ahhhh I'm going to come Al.
Alastor: ( leans in the Yn ear) say my name again I what to hear you louder ( moves his finger at a very fast pace)
Yn: Al I'm coming I'm
Yn release on Alastor fingers where he pulls them out and licked them clean.
Alastor: (licking finger) I have never tasted anything sweeter then you Yn.
Yn looks at Al and sees him taking of his clothes tile he is in his underwear.
Alastor: now then let just take these off and we can begin( retches and removes Yn underwear clothes and looks at Yn). Ha so wet just for me( pulled his underwear down releasing his self letting Yn see what will be destroying there insides)
Yn:(looks at Al) I don't think it will fit Aaaalllll.
Alastor pushes in with out Yn having a say so.
Alastor looks Yn in the eye and starts to move at a slow pass.
Yn: Al
Alastor looks at Yn and starts to move fast with each thrust Yn is sent moving up the bed.
Alastor and Yn are panting like crazy Yn reaches up and wraps there arms around Alastor neck and wraps there legs around Alastor as they move together.
Alastor has moves Yn up that he can reach the bed frame and grabs on to it to help him thrust faster in to Yn that the bed even move with each thrust.
Alastor: so you feel the do you feel me inside you answer me.
Yn: pant .. I ... can pant ... feel you Al.
Alastor leans down kisses Yn lips
Alastor: go I want you to remember this and to remember that you are mine... pant ...and I'm never leaving... pant you or our family ever do you under stand... me.
Alastor moves faster to hit Yn special spot where Yn starts to see white.
Yn: Yes Al I understand... please Al.
Alastor:(smiles) please what Yn?
Yn pulled Alastor face to them and kisses him hard. And Alastor and Yn came together.
Alastor fall on top of Yn and Yn lays there out of breath.
Both Alastor and Yn are panting like crazy and catching there breath.
Alastor looks at Yn and says.
Alastor: mine
Yn looks at Alastor and says.
Yn: yours ( smiles at Al) and kisses Al.
End of mature
Alastors and Yn fall asleep...
Then it hits Yn
Alastor did not use protection and Yn is not on a pill that's going to be fun in the morning.

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