Egg sounds

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Yn: my egg it's coming from my egg but how it has not made any sound for 9months that not possible.
Alastor: my be it got tired of herring your voice and disused to come alive.
Yn: (snatches the egg back) f**k you Al there must be something else and look what you did you got your blood all over it(gets a rage wipes the blood off of it).
Alastor: now what?
Yn: what do you mean now what?
Knock knock knock
Everyone:hey is everything ok in there we heard some noises are you ok.
Yn: ya we are fine
Everyone :we?
Yn: ya me and Al where just having a friendly chat.
Everyone: ok ?
Charlie: Yn I know your having a chat with Al but it's almost lunch time will you be much longer.
Angel dust: ya I'm getting hungry out here and nifty is about to eat some bugs.
Yn: (crap I forgot) yes I do believe we are done chatting right Al.
Alastor: yes ( whispers to Yn) for know.
Charlie: ok.
Alastor removers the spell and unlocks the door and opens it.
Husk: y'all look like sh*t ( drinks from his bottle)
Vaggie: what what happened?
Yn: nothing just a friendly chat right Al.
Alastor: yes
Charlie: (looks at Yn and then spots the egg) what is that?
Everyone looks at Yn
Yn: (nerves laugh) haha it's my egg.
Angle dust: as in you lade an egg that must have hurt.
Yn: (laughs) yes it did but this is my first one but...
Angel dust: what what what you had and egg? And Alastor was in there with you.
Everyone looked at Al.
Alastor: I don't father the egg (walked away)
Everyone looks at Yn
Yn: I had the egg 9 months ago so it's not Alastor so you can all stop staring at me.
Angel dust: but an egg don't you have to have you now se* to make an egg.
Everyone looks to Yn
Yn: laughs yes and not I can have se* to make a baby if I what to I can also have an egg if I want to it's what species I am I can do either one(smiles)
Angel dust: ok then can we see what you look like in your demon form.
Yn: no I'm sorry I'm very ugly I'm that form my family told me so and friends that I had did to so I just stay like this.
Charlie: then those people are no real family and friends to you i bet you are just as beautiful as you are know even in your demon form( hugs Yn with out crushing to egg)
Boom boom Boom boom
Everyone looks at the egg
Nifty: why is it making that noise. Yn: I don't know it started typing that after me and Al stoped fight... I mean had a chat it started to make a heart beet noise and the egg has not made a sound at all tile today can anyone help me figure it out?
Vaggie: Charlie is your dad good at that stuff did it not us to help with kids when he we in heaven.
Charlie: ya I will call him and maybe he can tell us what is going go with it.
Angel dust: tile he gets here( takes the egg from Yn) I will watch this thing and you (scoots Yn sown the hall to the stairs into the kitchen) I'm starving make us some food.
Everyone is following as angel moves Yn to the kitchen
Angel dust: make some food the egg will be safe tile then with me toots.
Yn: ( smiles) ok ... you must have like the food from this morning to hurry me back in here haha( kisses angel on the cheek) watch my egg for me then and ( whispers don't let Al tuch it again thank you)
Angel dust: ya ya get to cooking ( blush's and walked out the kitchen with the egg)
Up stairs in his room Alastor sits there playing with his radio
Alastor: that Yn think they can do what they want haha that fight was good and they did hold there own in the fight I wander what Yn is to keep up with me in a fight.
Knock knock
Alastor: yes who is it?
Charlie: it's Charlie and vaggie we need to talk.
Alastor walked to his door and walks out of it.
Alastor: yes
Charlie: I don't know what went on with you and Yn but don't let it happen again
Alastor: my deer what ever do you mean me and Yn were just having a little chat that's all and it's all settled for now.
Vaggie: it better be.
Charlie: ya Al please try and control your self.
Alastor: fine
Charlie and vaggie start to walk away and stops
Charlie: and one more thing dad is coming over so be nice.
Alastor:( o great another headache for me sigh) I will behave.
Charlie: good now come down stairs lunch should be ready.

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